Michel Foucault ( 1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK. 米歇尔·福柯(1972),《知识考古学》,下文简称AK。
Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault's text, 'Madness and Civilisation' 3个主要故事在福柯的《疯癫与文明》一书当中密切相联。
According to Foucault, madness is the wild form of expression of man's primitive desire. 福柯认为,疯癫是人类最原始欲望的野性表现。
Body Constructed by Culture& The Discourse Analysis of Body by Michel Foucault and Norbert Elias 文化建构的身体&福柯与埃利亚斯对身体的话语分析
So all of this McGann takes to be derived from Bakhtin rather than from Foucault. I do think that's a significant difference between our two authors. 所有这些,麦克甘都是受到巴赫金,而非福柯的影响,我确实认为,这是两位作者间很大的不同。
I think it's important to point this relatively subtle distinction out: he does, however, disagree from Foucault in one respect. 我想指出一个,细微的差别:,他在一个方面与福柯不同。
Dialectical Explanation of Marxism& Tentatively analyzing the challenge of Foucault's micro-political theory toward historical materialism 马克思主义需要辩证地解读&试析福柯的微观政治理论对唯物史观的挑战
However, Due to the feature of complexity and diversity, it is difficult to apply Foucault's view of power to a specific research, which was easily trapped in a talk in generalities and mystery. 但是由于福柯的权力观具有相当的复杂性与广泛性,因此将其应用到具体的研究当中难免会陷入泛泛而谈或者是不可理解的神秘境界中。
Foucault negates all kindnesses, evils and humanitarianism with the battle cry ofI accuse; 福柯打着我控诉的战斗口号,否定一切善恶与人道主义;
Both Gramsci and Foucault make the distinction between absolute power and, as Gramsci calls it, hegemony and, as Foucault calls it, power/ knowledge. 葛兰西和福柯都区分了,绝对权力和,葛兰西所谓的霸权,或福柯所谓的权力/知识。
Sphere of Power and Limitation of Knowledge: Evil Flowers of the Archaeology of Knowledge by Michel Foucault 权力范围与知识限度:福柯知识考古学的恶之花
Now students can witness Foucault's findings for measuring the rotation of the Earth. 学生可以由测量地球的转动来了解佛科的发现。
The Death and Rebirth of Subject-Aesthetic Subject in Foucault's Aesthetics of Existence and Its Revelation 主体的死亡与复活&福柯生存美学的审美主体及其当下启示
In recent years, the academic views on translation and publication have been transformed, which result from the introduction of the thought post-modern western philosophers, including foucault's view of power. 摘要近年来学界对晚清翻译出版研究的视野开始发生转化,西方后现代哲学家的思想常常作为一种研究的范式引入到此类研究中,福柯的权力学说也包括其中。
This dissertation is about Michel Foucault "s discourse theory and is focus on two questions which are considered as very important ones but often neglected by the scholars studying Foucault" s thought. 本文旨在对福柯话语理论进行梳理。本文将强调两点:第一,话语问题并不是如人们常常认为的那样仅仅是福柯“考古学时期”考察的主题,而是贯穿福柯全部思想的一个问题;
The Feminist's Misunderstanding of Foucault's Subject Theory and Its Meaningfulness 论女性主义对福柯主体观的批评及其意义
Subjectivity, Genealogy and Flesh& Foucault's Acceptance of Nietzsche's Philosophy 主体性、谱系学和身体&福柯对尼采哲学的接受
The writer tries to develop the study fields in media discourse and "mass media-audience" in the perspective of Michel Foucault, French philosopher. 本文尝试以法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯的视角,为大众传播学对媒介话语、媒介与受众关系的研究打开新的思路。
Based on the aesthetic opinion of Michel Foucault, this paper focuses on the analysis of the transformation of the identity of King Lear in Shakespeares tragedy King Lear. 在米歇尔·福柯审美决定论的基础上,文章分析了《李尔王》中李尔从国王走向疯癫最终死亡的过程。
Here, Gary Gutting presents a comprehensive but non-systematic treatment of some highlights of Foucault's life and thought. 在这里,加里古廷提出了一个全面的,但非福柯的生活和思想的一些重点系统的治疗。
He's quite open about it, and it's perhaps worth pausing over an idea common to the two scholar theorists who matter most to him, Michel Foucault and the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci. 他对此很坦诚,而且两位对他影响最深的理论家,这个问题,值得一提,那就是米歇尔·福柯,和意大利的马克思主义者Antonio,葛兰西。
This is absolutely the central idea in late Foucault. 这就是福柯晚年的核心理论,我之前也提到过的,就是在讲赛义德的时候。
The Technologies of Power and Punishment: A Study on Foucault's Sociology of Punishment 权力技术与刑罚:福柯刑罚社会学研究
By making an archaeological analysis of the history of western thought in The Order of Things, Foucault came to the conclusion of Death of Man. 福柯在《词与物》中通过对西方思想史的考古学分析,得出“人之死”的结论。
Foucault believes that Sex is the subject that any power can not ignored, Sex has become the focus for conversational discourse on various occasions. 福柯认为,性是任何权力都不能忽视的对象,性成了各种毛细孔状的话语的聚集之地。
Research on Foucault's Theory of Crime& Power analysis of crime 福柯之犯罪思想研究&犯罪的权力分析
And Foucault is the primary influence on the New Historicism. 福柯是对新历史主义影响最大的人。
It's not a question, therefore, of a kind of silent drumbeat of opinion expressing itself over and over again, which is more what interests Foucault. 因此,问题不是观点,如同沉默的鼓声一样,反反复复地自我表达,福柯对这一点更感兴趣。
According to Michel Foucault's theory of power discourse, there exist in the two novels certain similarities in their titles, internalization, non-linear narration and redemption of the others. 按照福柯的权力话语理论,两小说在标题、内在化现象、非线性叙述和他者的出路等诸多方面存在思考上的相通点。
All of this Foucault takes to be in the nature of historical observation. 福柯认为这些,都是历史观察的本质。