Ministers expressed broad support for the Franco-German plan. 部长们对法德计划表示广泛赞成。
Strasbourg lies on the Franco-German border. 斯特拉斯堡位于法德边境上。
"No progress in Europe is possible if there is not agreement between France and Germany," Chirac said, calling the city of Berlin a" symbol of Franco-German reconciliation ". 希拉克说:“如果没有法德两国之间的和解,欧洲便不会有进步。”他还将柏林誉为“法德和解的象征”。
The British suppliers to Airbus, the Franco-German aircraft manufacturer, have to comply with exacting standards. 由法德控制的飞机制造商空中客车公司的英国供应商必须遵守现行的标准。
For this reason, Franco-German co-operation as necessary and difficult as it may be will not be sufficient to lead the new Europe and should not preclude the inclusion of others such as Italy, Spain or Poland. 由于这个缘故,法德联盟尽管极其必要、极其艰难,也不足以领导新欧洲,而且也不应该把意大利、西班牙或波兰等其他国家排除在外。
I consider the arrival of partisan party politics in Franco-German relations as one of the more welcome developments in the eurozone for a long time. 我早就认为,法德关系中的这种党派政治对于欧元区而言是一种更值得欢迎的发展。
A Franco-German monetary union was an ambitious project. 法国和德国主导下的货币联盟是一个雄心勃勃的项目。
The Franco-German proposal to transform the EU or at least the eurozone into a fiscal union is such a project. 法德提出的将欧盟(或者至少是欧元区)转变为一个财政联盟的建议就是这样一个构想。
There was no Franco-German letter before the most recent EU summit. 在最近一次的欧盟峰会前,并没有法德联名信出炉。
The introduction of partisan politics into Franco-German relations raises a number of questions. 法德关系中的党派政治引发了许多问题。
The Franco-German war completed the unification of Germany. 普法战争完成了德国的统一。
He is implying that the entire fabric of the Franco-German relationship and their respective roles in Europe need to be reviewed and adapted to new continental realities. 奥朗德的言下之意是,需要重新审视法德关系的整个结构和两国各自在欧洲的角色,以适应欧洲大陆的新现实。
The fabled Franco-German motor appears no longer to be driving European integration. 法德发动机的神话似乎难以继续推动欧洲一体化。
Tensions in the Franco-German axis are palpable. 人们已经能够觉察到法德轴心的紧张关系。
French judicial authorities are launching a criminal investigation into possible insider dealing and the dissemination of false information at EADS, the Franco-German aerospace group. 法国司法机关将对欧洲航空防务与航天公司(EADS)可能存在的内幕交易和散布虚假信息行为展开刑事调查。EADS是法-德两国合资的宇航集团。
The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary. 在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, said at a Franco-German summit at EADS headquarters in Toulouse: We have agreed to give EADS and Airbus the leadership structures of real companies. 法国总统尼古拉•萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)在图卢兹EADS总部举行的法德峰会上表示:我们已达成共识,给EADS和空客以真正的公司领导架构。
The Franco-German marriage of reason, based on so much passion, had had ample time to establish itself. 法德之间带着澎湃激情的理性联姻,已经有了充裕的时间来扎稳根基。
Fears that Franco-German hostilities would drag Europe into a no-man 's-land of inaction are likely to prove unfounded. 有关法德不和将把欧洲拖入无所作为境地的担心,很可能被证明是没有根据的。
The Commission has been planning an EU-wide directive, but the Franco-German action has now pre-empted the outcome. 欧盟委员会一直酝酿出台一份覆盖整个欧盟的条例,然而法德两国抢先行动了。
A prolonged Franco-German dispute will lead to a debilitating stalemate that will help nobody, least of all France. 法德争端的延续只会陷入无力的僵局,双方都得不到好处,法国的情况则会更糟。
As I argued last week, I am hopeful that Franco-German relations are likely to improve, a necessary but not sufficient condition for better governance at EU level. 正如我上周所说,我满怀希望地认为,法德之间的关系有可能改善这是欧盟层面完善治理的必要非充分条件。
The balance of power between the Franco-German pair that have dominated EU policymaking has shifted across the Rhine. 一直主导欧盟政策制定的法国-德国组合之间的权利平衡已经倒向了莱茵河的对岸。
This in turn marks the return of the Franco-German question. 这实际上标志着问题重新回到了法德关系上。
What he has not said yet is what France really wants for Europe in general and the Franco-German relationship in particular. 他没说的是法国对欧洲总体的期望,特别是对法德关系的期望。
By tradition, a Franco-German compromise would be hammered out. But the issues involved are so basic that a deal may not be easily found. 传统上法德会达成妥协,但这次涉及到的都是根本问题,使得协议无法轻易敲定。
By tradition, a Franco-German partnership is at the heart of any EU deal. 传统上,法德合作是任何欧盟协议的核心。
The Franco-German rapprochement that inspired the founding fathers is taken for granted. 激励了欧元区创始人的法德修好,被视作理所当然。
She was speaking as doubts about the Franco-German plan for such an intergovernmental treaty emerged in several states. 默克尔发表讲话之际,在多个国家出现了对法德提出的这一政府间条约计划的疑虑。
German reunification disturbed the delicate balance of a union founded on the Franco-German alliance. 德国的统一,打乱了建立在法德同盟基础上的欧盟的微妙平衡。