Mr Frankfort said: We are subject to rapid wage increases in China among employees working in the manufacturing sector, which we support. 弗兰克福特说:我们正受到中国制造业雇员工资急速上涨的影响。我们支持工资上涨。
Mr Frankfort added: I believe that new [ Chinese] brands will generally not be able to obtain the perceived status of the imported brands because they won't have the heritage and authenticity. 弗兰克福特补充称:我认为,一般而言,这些新的(中国)品牌在消费者眼中的地位无法与进口品牌相比,因为它们缺乏传统和真实感。
I want a second class single to frankfort. 我要一张去法兰克福的二等单程票。
Frankfort black Printing ink was also invented in China. (铜板印刷用)黑色油墨油墨也是在中国发明的。
I want to make a reservation to Frankfort for next Monday. 我想预订一张下星期一去法兰克福的机票。
Right now they were going to Bonn with the tickets and passports, and their Dad was going on his own to Frankfort. 就在这时,他们正带着车票和护照去波恩,而他们的爸爸却自己往法兰克福去了。
The Frankfort School attempts to combine psycho-analysis with Marxism. 法兰克福学派力图把精神分析与马克思主义结合在一起。
Peace was signed at Frankfort surrendering the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to the Germans. 和平协议在法兰克福签署,阿尔萨斯和洛林。拱手让给德国。
While Coach announced in January that it would halve its rate of expansion in North America, reducing the number of annual store openings there from 40 to 20, Mr Frankfort said he was likely to accelerate development plans in China. Coach今年1月份宣布,其在北美的扩张速度将会减半,年开店数目将从40家降至20家。与此同时,弗兰克福特表示,他可能加快在华发展计划。
Study on an Irreversible Color-Changing Ink System for Ink-Jet Printing Frankfort black 一种不可逆变色喷墨墨水体系的研究(铜板印刷用)黑色油墨
Erich Fromm is one of the most famous figures of Frankfort School and Neo& Freudism in the 20th century. 埃里希·弗洛姆是20世纪法兰克福学派和新弗洛伊德主义的主要代表人物之一。
On April 8 of ao years ago, Lufthansa German Airlines opened the air route from Frankfort to Beijing. 20年前的4月8日,德国汉莎舫空公司开通了从法兰克福飞往北京的航线。
The football team in Frankfort is very famous in the world. 法兰克福的足球队世界闻名。
The Model Transformation of the Socio-Critical Theoryof Frankfort School: From Traditional Socio-Critical Theory to Communicative Action Theory 法兰克福学派社会批判理论的范式转变&从传统社会批判理论到交往行为理论
The Chinese mainland has more than 100 cities that have populations of more than 1m, and all of these cities will be candidates for Coach one day, said Mr Frankfort. 弗兰克福特表示,中国大陆有100多个城市人口在100万以上,有一天,所有这些城市都将是Coach考虑开店的场所。
The concept of producer-style text overthrows thoroughly the ideas on ideological control of Frankfort school. 生产者文本概念对法兰克福学派的大众文化意识形态控制思想进行了彻底的颠覆。
Analysis of Opinion of School of Frankfort on the Relation between Science and Technology with Domination of Politics 法兰克福学派的科学技术与政治统治观点剖析
Cultural Economical Age in Its Inception& The Theory of "Cultural Industry" of Frankfort School 论初现端倪的文化经济时代&兼论法兰克福学派文化工业论
The Frankfort School was a Western academic school inheriting the critical tradition including Marxism. 法兰克福学派是西方继承了包括马克思主义在内的批判传统的学派。
Since the 1990s, the culture ecology of China's Mainland has been described as the times that popular culture rose and then overflowed. Criticism circles chose the industrial theory of culture by the School of Frankfort and mass media theory as the tools. 90年代以来,中国大陆的文化生态被描述为大众文化兴起继而泛滥的年代,对此,批评界多以法兰克福学派的文化工业理论和大众传播媒介理论作为立论的主要武器进行批判。
Rotated SN plane as substitution for Frankfort plane 旋转SN平面替代眶耳平面的研究
The media thought of the "Frankfort School" is the origin of the media criticism. 法兰克福学派的大众传播思想是媒介批评的理论源头;
Frankfort school exaggerated the negative aspects unilaterally, treated it as the tool of capital and mechanical production to deprive, deform and depress human value. 法兰克福学派片面地夸大其消极方面,将其看成是资本力量与机械化生产对人类价值的全面剥夺、扭曲与压制的工具。
This part mainly covers the theory of the media criticism of the four important stages and figures of "Frankfort School"," Mcluhan", "Later Modem", and" Globalism ". 这一部分主要对法兰克福学派、麦克卢汉、后现代以及全球化等四个重要阶段和人物的媒介批评作一个理论的廓清与梳理。
The school of Frankfort criticizes science and technology in terms of the relation between man and man. 法兰克福学派从人与人关系的角度展开了对科学技术统治的批判。
However, its aesthetic opinion of culture and art is far from people's spiritual demand in the commercial society. To some extent, Frankfort school of thought also misunderstands the relationship between commerce and modern culture's development. 但这一审美的文化和文艺观与商业社会人们的精神需求有很大的距离,它在商业与现代文化发展之间的关系上也存在一些误解。
Methods A skull was scanned with CT in the direction parallel to the Frankfort Horizontal plane. 方法尸体头颅1具,平行于眶耳平面作CT扫描;
Methods One of adult male complete dentition was chosen, and then using Frankfort horizonal plane as benchmark, CT scanning was done from condylar process to mental region, 73 lamella in all. 方法:选用牙列完整的成年男性志愿者1例,以眶耳平面为基准平面进行螺旋CT扫描,从髁突到颏部连续横断扫描73层。
The theoretical foundation of Socio-Critical curriculum mostly originates from the Critical Theory of Society of the Frankfort School. 社会批判课程的思想基础主要来源于德国法兰克福学派的社会批判理论。
It is based on the Critical Theory of Society of the Frankfort School, works for revealing social control of curriculum in schools, and therefore forms these three models of "economic-reproductive"," cultural-reproductive", and "hegemonic-state reproductive". 它以德国法兰克福学派的社会批判理论为思想基础,致力于揭示学校教育中课程的社会控制现象,并由此发展出了三种再生产模式,即经济再生产、文化再生产和霸权&国家再生产模式。