Asked if he felt he was missing out on the city lifestyle, Mr. Frazier reflected for a moment. I much more feel the opposite, he said. 当问到他是否错过了城市的生活方式时,弗雷泽思考了片刻说,我觉得恰好相反。
He closely identified himself with boxing champions such as Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier, just as Hemingway identified himself with hunters and bullfighters. 他把自己比作拳王穆罕默德·阿里和乔·弗雷泽,就像是海明威把自己比作猎人和斗牛士一样。
On the East End of Long Island, Sean Frazier, 23, and four others, all recent college graduates in their mid-20s, work on Quail Hill farm in Amagansett and have become close friends. 在长岛东端,23岁的肖恩弗雷泽(SeanFrazier)和四个同伴在阿曼甘塞特的鹌鹑山农场工作,他们都是20多岁的应届大学毕业生,彼此都是好朋友。
He thinks I should be using my math skills, Mr. Frazier said. 弗雷泽说,他认为我应该运用自己的数学才能。
Mr. Frazier recalled that the first time he tried to collect eggs from under a chicken, he was pecked on his hands, surprisingly hard, and promptly switched ( though briefly) to a feet-first technique. 弗雷泽回忆说,他第一次收鸡蛋的时候,被鸡啄破了手,这项工作难得出人意料,他很快养成了把脚先伸进去的习惯(虽然是暂时的)。
Ms. Frazier says clients 'children have turned into paying customers when they amass portfolios of their own. 弗雷泽称,很多客户的孩子在创建自己的投资组合时成为了她的付费客户。
They have met with Ms. Frazier when buying their first homes and when deciding whether to renovate, and for other, more regular financial checkups all at no charge. 在购买自己的第一套房子、决定是否要翻新房子或者有其他更常见的财务问题时,他们都会去找弗雷泽咨询,而且这些服务全都是免费的。
Mr. Frazier went on with life, but says he was a changed man. 弗雷泽的生活还是要继续,但他觉得自己已不再是曾经的自己。
Mr. Oswald lived in a Dallas boarding house during the week and asked Mr. Frazier for rides on weekends to visit his wife, Marina, who lived near Mr. Frazier in Irving, Texas. 奥斯瓦德工作日寄宿在达拉斯的一家旅馆里,妻子玛丽娜(Marina)住在德克萨斯州的欧文市,离弗雷泽很近。一到周末他就会请弗雷泽开车载他去见妻子。
'It's still hard to believe that something like this happened and I got swept up in it,' said Mr. Frazier, now 69 years old. 'I just wish it had never happened to me.' 现年69岁的弗雷泽说道,我至今仍难以相信自己会被卷入到这样一个事件里,我真希望它从未发生在我身上。
Mr. Frazier remains adamant that Mr. Oswald couldn't have killed the president by himself. 弗雷泽却坚信奥斯瓦德不可能凭一己之力杀害总统。
And Frazier is down again! 弗雷泽又被击倒了!
Ali is pictured here with his old foes, with Frazier on the far left. 图为阿里与他的宿敌佛雷尔(左一)的合影。
Ali comes out to meet frazier, but Frazier starts to retreat. 阿里逼上前去,但是弗雷泽开始后退。
Among his most famous fights were ferocious battles with Joe Frazier and the'unbeatable'George Foreman. 阿里最精彩的比赛是与乔·佛雷尔和“无敌拳王”乔治·福尔曼之间的激烈较量。
That cop, frazier, and his partner are walking into the bank. 弗雷泽警探和他的搭档走进银行。
She's gonna do pubiicity on the cheryi Frazier kidnapping. 她要向公众处理谢丽尔弗雷泽绑架一案。
Some billed it as "Ali/ Frazier& Genera tion ⅱ". 一些媒体打出的标题是“阿里&弗雷泽第二代大战”。
They'll pay, or we'll kill fields and frazier. 不付钱就杀了雪若和史丹。
'cause he can't start countin'till Frazier comes down. 因为只有弗雷泽落地,他们才能开始倒数计时。
Keith Frazier: Who ever heard of a bank robbers escaping on a plane with fifty hostages? Why? I don't know. 基斯·弗雷泽:谁听说过银行劫匪要求跟五十名人质一起乘飞机逃走?为什么?我不知道。
Billy Frazier brought in a huge earthworm. 比利弗莱泽带来一只大蚯蚓。
Former world heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier has died after a brief battle with liver cancer, his family said. 美国前重量级拳王乔·弗雷泽在与肝癌短暂的斗争之后辞世。
Keith Frazier: Why don't you just tell the mayor to raise my pay grade to the right level and problem solved. 基斯·弗雷泽:你何不让市长给我升职,这样事情就解决了。
Ali tried to regain the title from@ Smokin '@ Joe Frazier, but lost. 阿里试着从冒烟的乔?弗雷泽那里夺回冠军头衔,却告失败。
Boosted by the daughters of Ali and Frazier, women's boxing is losing its novelty-act status and gaining real fans. 由于阿里和弗莱契亚的女儿们的促进,女子拳击正在由一项新奇的体育赛事成为赢得真正拳击迷的项目。
Frazier was brawling in the saloon, that's how he got winged. 弗莱哲在酒吧和人争斗,那就是他受伤的原因。
Ali really whipped Frazier. 阿里确实击败了弗雷泽。
Based on Kim& Frazier's typology of distribution channel systems, we presented the "Channel Relationship Model", for, the choice of channel relationships to be adopted by household appliance manufacturers with different brand power in various Chinese household appliance markets. 本文基于上述变量,在Kim&Frazier对渠道关系类型研究的基础上,构建了我国家电市场的渠道关系模型,据此阐述不同品牌影响力的家电制造企业在不同层级市场的渠道关系选择。