
n.  弗雷德霍尔姆



  1. Solution to the Fredholm Integral Equation in Geophysical Inversion by Walsh Function
  2. Solution to Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind by Using Legendre Multi-wavelets
  3. As an important fundamental concept in generalized functional and analytical operator theory, Fredholm operator has been used in differential coefficient equations and other fields. It is of vital importance for the research of space classification and dimensions.
  4. It proves the existence and uniqueness of the direct transmission problem by potential theory and Fredholm theorem.
  5. By using the multiple-scale method, one of the perturbation methods, we obtain a series of equations from Euler Equation. Modulation equation is given by using the Fredholm's theorem on these equations.
  6. By using the Fredholm theorem and the comparison principle, the extremal solutions of first order integro-differential equation are obtained with lower and upper solutions in the reverse order.
  7. This theorem gives the existence theorems of solutions for the systems of nonlinear Fredholm and volterra integral equations in Banach spaces. An existence theorem of extremal solutions and a comparison theorem for the system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations are obtained as well.
  8. The Matrix Riccati Equations and the Linear Fredholm Integral Equations
  9. The paper uses wavelet compression algorithm to realize the compression and order-reducing solution of large-scale Fredholm integral equation.
  10. Sufficient conditions were given to assert that between any two Banach spaces over K, Fredholm mappings share at least one value in a specific open ball.
  11. The paper demonstrates that using rationalized Haar wavelet for solving linear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind.
  12. According to Fredholm's theorem, this paper proves that due to the virtual fundamental loads-which satisfy the boundary conditions and being distributed outside the elastic body occupied region, the displacement and the stress fields in the elastic body occupied region are unique.
  13. In this paper, we construct a Fredholm module by using singular integral operators theory with the quaternionic Cauchy kernel and C~-algebra theory.
  14. The solving of problem is transformed to solving the first kind Fredholm integral equation. The Tikhonov regularization method is used to solve the ill-posed integral equation problem. Based on the conditional stability, a stabilized algorithm is presented.
  15. The function-valued Pad é-type approximant is defined by using introducing a function-valued linear functional on polynomial space, then it is applied to solve the second kind of Fredholm integral equations.
  16. Using Hankel and Abel integral transforms, the problem is reduced to a set of second kind Fredholm integral equations. The scattered displacement is derived in the form of integral expressions.
  17. A: X → Y is bounded linear Fredholm operator with zero index.
  18. An equivalent condition on stable convergence of operator-valued function in Banach space is given, and invertibility of Fredholm element in Banach algebra is discussed.
  19. To solve Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, a linear operator is introduced from a polynomial space to a function-valued space. Function-valued Pad é-type approximation is then defined.
  20. The ill posed problem can be converted into the first Fredholm integral equation; and an algorithm of inversion is given using the Tikhonov's regularization method.
  21. The approximate solution for the transmitted and reflected waves wave at the vertical wall of the step is obtained by using the methods of the matched-asymptotic expansion and the Green function and some mathematical tech technique such as the conformal mapping theory and the singular Fredholm integral equation theory.
  22. By reasonably increasing the quantity of preys and decreasing the quantity of predators, a prior bound is obtained and a new Fredholm operator is defined. At last, a group of sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solution is given.
  23. The Fredholm integral equation of the second kind is established in the Laplace transform domain in order to obtain the consolidation displacement of the elastic plate. Laplace transform solutions are converted to time domain solutions by numerical methods. The numerical results useful to engineering practice are given.
  24. The method for solving the system of Volterra-Fredholm integral equation
  25. The method using bivariate wavelet function to solve the first class bivariate Fredholm integral equation is researched.
  26. It is found that the Fredholm equation should be solved numerically because of the nonstationarity of the covariance function.
  27. The interface crack problem is also reduced to solve a set of the first kind of Fredholm integral equations by the conjunction method and the crack-division technique. Dynamic stress intensity factors of the crack-tip can be contained in the integral equations by a substitution.
  28. For pure isometry with finite multiplicity, we establish an interesting relation between this invariant and Fredholm index.
  29. There are a lot of ill-posed problems in physics, biology, medicine, geology and engineering technology. For example, parameter identification problems, nonlinear ill-posed Hammerstein integral equation, the solution for the first kind of Fredholm integral equation and so on.