This period saw a rise in inter-communal tensions between the Dutch-speaking Flemings of the north and the French-speaking Walloons of the South. 这个时期见证了北部的荷兰语区的弗莱蒙人(Flemings)和南部的法语区瓦龙人(Walloons)间在社区间的紧张局势。
Relations between French-speaking and English-speaking Canada have been difficult to improve. 说法语与说英语的加拿大之间的关系是最难处理的。
At one table, two French-speaking men order a cobra to the delight of their female companions. 在一张桌子上,两名说法语的男士点了条眼镜蛇,讨得了他们女伴的欢心。
Traditionalists in France and French-speaking Canada also worry about the influx of English words into their native tongue. 法国以及加拿大法语区的传统主义者也同样担心英语词汇会影响到它们的母语。
Despite such subsidies, support for independence remains strong in the rural French-speaking area. 尽管有这样的津贴,说法语的地区还是强烈支持魁北克独立。
Today, one province of Canada is French-speaking. 现在加拿大有一个省说法语。
International Committee of French-Speaking Historians and Geographers 国际法语历史学家和地理学家委员会
Strongbow was not Celtic, being a French-speaking Norman. Strongbow不是凯尔特人,是一个讲法语的诺曼。
Besides that we have Montreal in the province of Quebec. It's a good place to see the French-speaking side of Canada. 除了多伦多,我们还有魁北克省的蒙特利尔市,这是参观加拿大法语区的最好去处。
This now happens even in Brussels, especially since the non-French-speaking eastern Europeans joined in 2004. 这阵风如今甚至已经刮到了布鲁塞尔,特别是自从2004年东欧非法语国家加入欧盟以来。
The study found the worst public healthcare systems in French-speaking West Africa, where staff are less likely to emigrate. 该研究发现在西非法语区公共卫生系统最差的地区,医务工作者也最不可能移民。
It used to be a French-speaking network because of the link with former French colonies. 因为与前法国殖民地的联系的缘故,以前是讲法语的网络。
The French-speaking Africans even have a phrase for this state of affairs. 讲法语的非洲人对这种事态甚至还有个说法。
Their hesitation has left French-speaking parents angry. 他们的犹豫不决令那些讲法语的家长们感到愤怒。
The French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec; situated on the Saint Lawrence River. 在法语中是魁北克省的省会;位于圣劳伦斯河畔。
As the number of my French-speaking acquaintances from Africa, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium and Vietnam attests, French is by no means a negligible competitor of English internationally. 正如我结识的来自非洲、加拿大、瑞士、比利时及越南的说法语的朋友数量之多所证明的,在国际上法语决不是英语的微不足道的对手。
The answer is the French-speaking part of Canada. 答案就在加拿大的法语区。
Wermke's team recorded the cries of60 healthy newborns, 30 born into French-speaking families and30 born into German-speaking families, when they were three to five days old. 威尔姆克的研究小组录制了60个健康新生儿在出生三天至五天时的哭声。其中30个宝宝出生于说法语的家庭,另外30个出生于说德语的家庭。
Standing Committee of French-Speaking Ethnic Communities 法语国家种族共同体常设委员会
The Cajuns in Louisiana are descendants of the French-speaking Acadians of Canada. 路易斯安那州的卡津人是加拿大境内法语区的阿卡迪亚人的后裔。
Develop support networks in the British Commonwealth and the Francophonie alliance of French-speaking countries. 启动大英国协及法语系国家联盟的「垂直肉粽操纵策略」。
They are keen to preserve the historic language and French-speaking culture. 他们迫切希望保留他们的具有历史意义的语言和讲法语文化氛围。
Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, Paris being the largest. 蒙特利尔是世界上第二大法语城市,巴黎是第一大法语城市。
Manitoba became a province after some controversial events involving the federal government and the Metis, French-speaking descendants of French fur traders who married American Indian girls. 在几次涉及联邦政府和梅蒂斯人的有争议的事件之后,马尼托巴成为加拿大的一个省。梅蒂斯人是美洲印第安女孩与法国毛皮贸易商的后裔,讲法语。
Cajuns are an ethnic group of people who are descended from the French-speaking peoples of the maritime provinces of canada. 卡京人是少数民族,是加拿大沿海省份中讲法语者的后裔。
The victims were from the country's French-speaking region, Heer said. Heer说,这些死难者都是来自瑞士境内的法语区。
International Council of French-Speaking Radio and Television 国际法语广播电视理事会
Three-to five-day-olds born into French-speaking families tend to cry with the rising intonation characteristic of French; 出生在法语家庭新生儿的哭声是升调,和法语的发音习惯一样;
The French-speaking part of the Canadian Maritime Provinces. 加拿大沿海诸省的说法语那部分地区。
A major Canadian city, Montreal is second only to Paris as the most largest French-speaking city in the world. 加拿大主要的城市蒙特利尔,是世界上仅次于巴黎的第二最大法语城市。