( Friedrich Schiller, German Dramatist and poet). (德国剧作家、诗人席勒.F.)
Author of The Road to Serfdom Friedrich Hayek, at the University of Chicago in 1960. 《农奴制之路》作者海雅克,1960年在芝加哥大学。
In her early years in politics, economic liberalism was in retreat, the Soviet Union was extending its empire, and Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek were dismissed as academic eccentrics. 在她迈入政坛之初,经济自由主义正处于节节败退之中,苏联正在延伸其帝国的疆域,弥尔顿·弗里德曼和弗雷德里希·哈耶克被当做是学术怪人而遭贬斥。
I draw upon a lineage of painters from Caspar David Friedrich to Gerhard Richter. 我呼吁来自画家卡斯帕大卫弗里德里希到里希特宗族绘制。
The technique has been used before on dogs, cats and a tiger, but Friedrich said Bellamy was believed to be the first lion to undergo the treatment. 这项技术曾在狗、猫和一只老虎身上使用过,但是弗莱瑞奇说贝拉米应该是第一头接受这种手术的狮子。
Friedrich Nietzsche& that often maligned nineteenth-century German philosopher 弗里德里希?尼采&那位常被诽谤中伤的19世纪德国哲学家
Abstract: In the view of Friedrich Hayek, human morality approximately can be divided into two types: small groups morality and huge society morality. 内容提要哈耶克认为,古往今来人类的道德大致可分为两种类型:小社群道德和大社会道德。
Right-wingers who follow Friedrich Hayek or James Buchanan will treat "social justice" and "social choice" as nonsenses. 追随弗里德。海耶克和詹姆斯。布坎南的右翼分子会把“社会公平”和“社会选择”当作胡话。
1820 Friedrich Engels, close comrade-in-arms of Karl Marx, great leader of the world proletariat, was born at Barmen. 卡尔·马克思的亲密战友、世界无产阶级的伟大领袖弗里德里希·恩格斯诞生于巴门市。
You don't speak because of Friedrich nietzsche. 你不肯说话,是因为弗里德里克尼采。
Really? Who told you that, Friedrich? 真的?弗雷德里克,谁说的?
Friedrich: you must never come to dinner on time. 范来德:一定不要准时来吃晚餐。
In this sense, the words of Friedrich Nietzsche still hold true today. 从这个意义上讲,弗里德里希尼采的话今天仍然是正确的。
Uble, the German Interior Minister, sketched out a reconciliation between the "open society" of the philosophers Karl Popper and Friedrich Hayek and a positive and sustaining role for federal and regional governments, with a strong dose of localism and diversity. 他描述了哲学家卡尔波普尔(karlpopper)和弗里德里希哈耶克(friedrichhayek)的“开放社会”(opensociety)与联邦及地区政府持续的、带有强烈地方主义和多样性色彩的正面角色之间的和谐共处。
In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind, Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind: the subjective mind, the mind of an individual; 在黑格尔(GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel)的《精神现象学》中,黑格尔讨论了三种不同的心灵类型:主体性的心灵,一个个体的心灵;
The political, economic, and philosophical theories developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the second half of the nineteenth century. 在政治,经济和哲学理论开发的卡尔马克思和恩格斯在第二十九世纪下半叶。
FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK: We did not realize how fragile our civilization was. 哈耶克:我们没有意识到我们的文明是多么脆弱。
"Men are even lazier than they are timorous, and what they fear most is the troubles with which any unconditional honesty and nudity would burden them."& Friedrich Nietzsche. 人类,既胆怯又懒惰,他们最害怕的就是无条件的诚实和裸露会为他们带来的麻烦和负担。
In1913, Karl Friedrich Rapp ang Gustav Otto founded two separate aircraft factories that would later merge to form BMW or Bayerische Motoren Werke AG ( Bavarian Motor Works). 1913年,卡尔·弗里德里希·拉普与古斯塔夫·奥托分别建立了两个飞机制造厂,后来合并为宝马公司,也叫巴伐利亚汽车制造厂。
World history is the world's court of judgement.& Friedrich Schiller 世界历史就是世界的法庭。&席勒
Two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity& Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher. 欧洲两大麻醉剂,酒精和基督教&弗雷德里希。尼采,哲学家。
Theoretical Construction of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 'Practical Justice Viewpoints 试论马克思和恩格斯的实践正义观及其理论构建
Their source was Friedrich Hayek, in fact an Austrian. 而实际上,海耶克是个奥地利人。
No victor believes in chance& Friedrich Nietzsche, German Philosopher. 没有胜利者相信机遇&弗雷德里希。尼采,德国哲学家。
FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK ( interviewed in1978): As for the movement of intellectual opinion is concerned, it is now for the first time in my life moving in the right direction. 哈耶克(1978年的采访):就所关心的思想观点运动来说,现在是我生命中第一次朝正确的方向运动。
A term for ideas developed in the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and later developments based on their thinking. 这一术语指的是在卡尔·马克思和弗里德里希·恩格斯的著作中提出,后来又在他们的见解的基础上得到发展的思想。
His pedagogical thinking has influenced many educators, such as Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel, John Dewey and so on. 他的这一教育思想影响到了后来的裴斯泰洛齐、福禄贝尔、杜威等一大批教育家。
This newly unveiled fact will rewrite the history of the Chinese reception and translation of German literature, particularly of Friedrich Schiller. 该结论将改写德国文学、尤其是席勒在中国的接受史和翻译史。
Friedrich Hayek offered another view in the 1930s. Any modern economy, capitalist or state-run, is a great soup of private know-how dispersed among the specialised participants. 弗里德里希哈耶克(FriedrichHayek)在20世纪30年代提出了另一种观点。任何现代经济制度,无论是资本主义还是国家控制,都是由散布在专业参与者之中的私人实践知识构成的大杂烩。
One of Friedrich Hayek's obvious-once-pointed-out observations is that society is full of local knowledge, often of a subtle nature and only fleetingly exploitable. 弗里德里希哈耶克(FriedrichHayek)曾经指出的一个显而易见的观察就是,社会充满了局部知识,这些知识常常具有微妙特性,以及仅仅是瞬时的可利用性。