China, however, is moving rapidly towards a modern economy and I ask Fukuyama how prosperity will affect its political order. 然而中国正朝着现代经济体的方向快速前进,我问福山,经济繁荣会如何影响其政治秩序。
But the army has many other brigades, too: repentant neocons such as Francis Fukuyama, legal scholars such as Douglas Kmiec, and conservative talk-show hosts such as Michael Smerconish. 这支新军还囊括了许多其他力量:转变立场的新保守主义者(如弗朗西斯•福山),法学学者(如道格拉斯•克密科)以及保守派脱口秀主持人(如迈克尔•史默克里什)。
After 10 minutes I become anxious. Maybe Professor Fukuyama expected to meet me at the office. 10分钟后,我开始紧张起来。也许福山以为我们要在办公室见面?
But Fukuyama also made a point about the comparative inability of the U. 福克亚玛指出了美国体制在果断应对长远危机时的相对无能。
Analysis of genotype and phenotype in Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy 福山型先天性肌营养不良基因型和表型分析
The food arrives quickly and I tuck into my excellent lamb while Fukuyama eats slowly as he thinks about his answers. 菜上得很快,我埋头大吃我点的美味羔羊肉,而福山吃得很慢,边吃边思考怎么回答问题。
Fukuyama retains faith in the capacity of smart leaders to find a path out of the cave. 福山仍然相信,聪明的领导者能找到一条出路。
This is such a large subject that Fukuyama is tackling it in two volumes with the first covering from prehuman times to the French Revolution. 这个话题太大了,福山分了两卷来讲,第一卷的时间范围是史前时代到法国大革命。
Fukuyama says he does not allow his children to drink milk in the first place, even before this incident or otherwise. 福山哲郎回应说,他从最初就不允许他的子女喝奶,甚至在这次事件发生之前,或是其他任何情况下。
Fukuyama defines such states by three characteristics: formal bureaucratic institutions; the rule of law; and accountability. 福山用三个特征来定义现代国家:正式的官僚制度、法治和问责制。
Fukuyama says two of three external power connections to Onagawa nuclear plant are down, but the plant is fine with the remaining connection. 福山哲郎说,女川核电站三个外部电源连接中有两个失灵,但是核电站情况良好,其他连接正常。
On the Social Order under Capitalism in the Information era& A Review of The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order by Fukuyama; 信息时代资本主义的社会秩序问题&读福山的《大分裂》
On Francis Fukuyama ′ s Economic Ethics 福山的经济伦理思想初探
Fukuyama's Animadversion on Neo-classical Economics 福山对新古典经济学的批判
Since the theory of social capital sprang up, Francis Fukuyama, whose study focuses on the relation between trust and economic development, has become a representative in the field. 社会资本理论兴起后,这方面的研究以弗朗西斯·福山关于信任与经济发展关系的研究为代表。
The liberalism and nationalism in the view of Fukuyama's political philosophy 福山政治哲学视野下的自由主义与民族主义
Through the analysis of the debate, especially the discussion about dimensions of history and morality of recognition, we can reflect on the consciousness of questions and its relation with Fukuyama's the theory of the end of history. 我们可以通过分析这一论辩,尤其是其中有关承认的历史之维与道德之维的讨论,而反省其中的问题意识及其与福山历史终结论的关联。
Francis · Fukuyama ( 2003) pointed out that the greatest weakness of the concept of social capital, among other things, is how to measure social capital, which is in a lack of consensus. 弗朗西斯·福山(2003)指出社会资本概念的最大弱点之一,就是对于如何度量社会资本缺乏共识。
In this paper, I selected the bioethics idea of Francis Fukuyama who was the Japanese-American scholar as the template to discuss the problem of human development in the context of the rapid development of biotechnology. 本文以日裔美籍学者弗朗西斯·福山的生命伦理思想为研究范本,探讨科学技术尤其是生物技术飞速发展背景下人的发展问题。
Japanese American scholar Fukuyama proposed the theory of the end of history which aroused widespread dispute. 日裔美国学者福山重新提出历史终结论并引起广泛的争议。
First, in this thesis, the basic theoretical content of the book "Trust-Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity" written by Francis · Fukuyama is introduced. 首先,本文介绍了弗兰西斯·福山的《信任&社会美德与创造经济繁荣》一书中基本理论内容。