So, the differential is just, by definition, fx* dx+ fy* dy this thing called df which is f sub x times dx plus f sub y times dy. 微分df的定义,就是。
Now you compare f sub y as given to you by the vector field with the formula you get from this expression for f. 现在你可以把fy看成是,从这个f的表达式,通过向量场得到的。
Bank assistance to agriculture and rural development increased from an average of$ 4.1 billion from fiscal years ( FY) 2006 to2008 to$ 7.3 billion in FY09. 世行对农业和农村发展领域的援助从2006-2008财年期间的年均41亿美元增加到2009财年的73亿美元。
The Study of Equipment Management Informationization Project Planning about FY Company FY公司设备管理信息化项目规划方案研究
We know that f sub x and f sub y are the slopes of two tangent lines to this plane, two tangent lines to the graph. 我们知道fx和fy是,曲面上两条切线的斜率。
The requirements for meteorology satellite in China are also discussed. And then the general information, including main load, performance and some application of the developed FY 1 polar meteorology satellite and FY 2 stationary meteorology satellite in China is described. 阐述了我国对气象卫星的需求,以及我国已发射的风云一号(FY1)极轨气象卫星和风云二号(FY2)静止气象卫星的概况、主要载荷、性能和某些应用情况。
The Calculation and Analysis of the Launching Window of the FY& 1B Weather Satellite on the Polar Orbit 风云一号极地轨道气象卫星发射窗口的计算与分析
The remote sensing data of FY 1C visible channels in the Dunhuang test area in two years are used to analyze the channels 'albedo attenuation. At the same time, some correction experiments have been conducted. 利用FY1C连续两年的遥感资料,以敦煌辐射校正场为分析区,系统分析了FY1C可见光、近红外通道的衰减特征,开展了通道衰减订正试验。
The PID/ PD control algorithm shows relatively security and stabilization, and it very satisfies the demand for control radial force, so it can avoid librations in machining process and improve turning precision and tool life. PID/PD控制器具有更好的稳定性和可靠性,可很好的满足对径向力Fy的控制,从而防止加工过程中的振动,提高切削加工精度和刀具寿命。
Based on the area data collection the area remote sensing application and process software is made to deal with the EOS, NOAA and FY satellite data and to monitor the vegetation, duststorm and drought. 开发的基于局地数据集的地(市)级遥感应用处理软件,可同时处理EOS和NOAA、FY卫星接收的数据资料,并可进行植被长势、沙尘暴、干旱等监测。
The calibration method of FY-2's visible, infrared and vapor channels in orbit is shown. 首先叙述了FY-2可见光、红外和水汽通道的定标方法;
The calibration on FY-2 in orbit is the key to the quantify analysis with the image of meteorological satellite. FY-2在轨定标是云图定量处理的关键。
It presents in brief the mission, principle, innovation and the results detected of the SPM ( Space Particle Composition Monitor) onboard FY 1C satellite. 简要介绍了FY1C星空间粒子成分监测器的任务目标、工作原理、创新特色及在轨探测结果。
Design and Calculation of FY Type Grain Loading-Unloading Machines FY型粮食装卸机的设计与计算
Band scanning radiometer is a main load of FY 1C meteorological satellite. The paper introduces optic design, electronic design, radiation calibration and performance of the component in detail. 详细介绍了用于FY1C卫星的10通道扫描辐射计系统性能、光学设计、电子学设计、辐射定标和主要元部件的指标性能以及卫星发射后的在轨测试结果。
The general information of FY 1D polar orbiting meteorology satellite, including the major parameters and its remote sensing instrument, is presented in this paper. 介绍了风云一号D(FY1D)极轨气象卫星的主要技术参数和遥感仪器配置等总体组成概况。
Analyzing the elements relations among tangential force Fx, normal force Fy and cutting thickness, cutting tool angle, cutter meterial and cutting tool wear etc. 分析切向力Fx和法向力Fy与切削厚度、刀具角度、刀具材料及刀具磨损等因素之间的关系。
Based on the attitude control system of FY 1C satellite, the author offers the project, design, characters of the system and the flight results. 针对FY1C卫星姿态控制系统,给出了系统方案、系统设计、系统特点和飞行试验的结果;
The three axis stabilized Earth oriented attitude control system adopted by FY 1 meteorological satellites represents an active control concept. 风云一号气象卫星姿态控制系统采用了三轴稳定对地定向的主动控制方案。
Putting forward the needs of radiation resistance and reinforce of the whole FY 1C satellite, stand alones and units, analyzing space radiation environment of the satellite. 分析了FY1C卫星运行轨道空间辐射环境,介绍了整星、单机、器件抗辐射要求。
In China, the main satellites used for forest fire monitoring are NOAA satellites, FY serials meterological satellites and EOS satellites. 目前用于我国森林火灾监测的主要是美国的NOAA系列气象卫星,此外,我国的风云系列气象卫星和美国的EOS卫星也开始应用于林火监测。
The 10 band visible IR scanning radiometer is the main payload of the Chinese polar orbit FY 1C meteorological satellite. 10波段可见-红外扫描辐射计是我国极轨FY-1C气象卫星上的主要有效荷载。
The influence of concrete compression strength fcu, steel yield strength fy, steel ratio of sections α and horizontal force P on the ultimate bearing capacity of square concrete-filled steel tubular piers is explored by parametric analysis. 3. 分析混凝土抗压强度fcu、钢材的屈服强度fy、截面含钢率α和水平力P这些因素对方形钢管混凝土桥墩极限承载力的影响。
With the use of strategic management theory, methods and ideas, this paper worked out a development strategy of FY Press, also, according to the development strategy, developed the corresponding implementation. 本文以FY出版社作为研究个案,运用战略管理的理论方法和思想,制定出了FY出版社的发展战略,并根据发展战略确定了相应的战略实施活动。
He is the era of anti-Japanese FY and nationalism of outstanding record. 他是那个时代的抗日风云和民族情绪的杰出记录者。