If that piece of the plane is that big, maybe it's the tail section said David Gallo, one of the leader of the search for Air France Flight 447, which crashed in the Atlantic Ocean in 2009. 曾经共同领导2009年法航447航班搜寻的大卫加洛说,考虑到马航失联客机机型庞大,这些疑似碎片有可能是机尾部分。法航447在2009年坠落在大西洋。
I never saw Alex bad-mouth another scientist, even when he had reason to, said Robert Gallo, the director of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. 我从来没有见过亚历山大说其他科学家的坏话,即使他有理由那样做时也不会,马里兰大学医学院人类病毒学研究所主任罗伯特·加洛(RobertGallo)这样说。
As RBS strategist Alberto Gallo wrote in a late-April note: Housewives, taxi drivers and street vendors busy trading stocks are common sight in China these days. 苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)策略师阿尔贝托加洛(AlbertoGallo)曾在4月底的一份报告中写道:这几天,忙着炒股的家庭主妇、出租车司机及街头小贩已成为中国的常见景象。
The need for leadership coaching, Mr. Gallo says, shows China's maturation as a global power. ' 盖洛表示,领导力培训的市场需求表明,中国已经成为一个世界强国。
( It was based on a longer article of the same title from this August by HBR Contributing Editor Amy Gallo.) (这篇文章根据《哈佛商业评论》特约编辑艾米·盖洛今年8月发表的一篇篇幅较长的同名文章撰写。)
Breakfast in Costa Rica& Gallo Pinto is the standard breakfast fare in Costa Rica. 哥斯达黎加早餐&哥斯达黎加的基本早餐是红豆饭。
David Gallo says, Push yourself. DavidGallo说:强迫你自己,心灵上,神情上。
A further rise in the government bond yields of Spain and Italy could cause a contraction in the fiscal policy of those countries, noted Alberto Gallo, head of macro credit research at the Royal Bank of Scotland. 苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)的宏观信贷研究负责人阿尔贝托·加洛(AlbertoGallo)表示,西班牙和意大利政府债券收益率的进一步上涨,可能会导致两国的财政政策转向紧缩。
The second name is a portmanteau: Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster, gallus, while pavo is the Latin word for peacock. 第二个词是一个混合词:Gallo来源拉丁词公鸡,pavo来源拉丁词孔雀。
1983-First publications of the discovery of the virus that causes AIDS in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo individually. 1983年的今天,首个有关发现引发爱滋病的病毒的出版物在《科学》杂志上发表。
Mr Gallo says cases such as hers and that of Paul klebnikov, editor of Forbes Russia murdered in 2004, may be the tip of an iceberg of attacks on journalists. 加洛称,波利柯傅斯卡亚遇害和2004年《福布斯》俄文版编辑保罗克列布尼科夫(paulklebnikov)被谋杀等案件,也许只是记者遭袭现象的冰山一角。
You as Joey gallo? I don't see that. 我不会这样看凯洛。
And Dr Gallo was exonerated of any wrongdoing by an official investigation and is universally recognised to have done important work on AIDS. 事后所作的一项正式调查宣布加洛博士没有不端的行为,人们也公认他对艾滋病的研究做出了重大贡献。
Angela accepted an invitation to live with the Gallo family for a while. 安琪受邀与迦洛家族同住一段时间。
I'm told he purchased it from don gallo's widow. 他从葛寡妇的手中买下来。
Apparently, the Lai virus, which spreads easily, also contaminated Gallo's own cultures. 显然,这种容易蔓延“莱”病毒也污染了盖洛自己培养的病毒。
At the vineyard Brooke was met by Cal Dennison, Gallo's chief winemaker, all cowboyed-up jeans and a handlebar moustache. 在葡萄园,布鲁克见到了嘉露的首席酿酒师卡尔·丹尼森(CalDennison),一身牛仔装束,翘八字胡。
The company is the domestic agent of Australian Jacob's Creek and American Gallo wines and is the biggest selling dealer of Jacob's Creek in China. 在国内代理了澳洲杰卡斯葡萄酒和美国嘉露葡萄酒,并成为杰卡斯葡萄酒在全国销量最大的经销商。
He LAV strain of the virus to Gallo, and signed a contract, a statement Gallo lab can only use it to do academic research, not for commercial purposes. 他把LAV病毒株交给盖洛,并签署了一份合同,声明盖洛实验室只能用它做学术研究,不能用以商业用途。
Mr Gallo notes that since contract hits are often subcontracted down a lengthy chain, killers themselves may not know who ordered a murder, making these crimes difficult to crack. 加洛指出,由于雇凶杀人往往有一条很长的转雇链,杀手们可能自己都不知道是谁花钱买凶,这使得这些犯罪案件难以侦破。
Mr Gallo says business killings became fewer-though never disappeared-after Mr Putin became president in 2000. 加洛称,在2000年普京总统上台后,尽管商业谋杀案件从未消失,但已有所减少。