That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management 那个人是约翰·吉布,纽约应急管理办公室的行动总指挥官。
Mr Gibb told The Mail on Sunday: I would like to see schools across the country adopt whole class teaching methods, particularly in maths and science. 周日,吉布先生接受《每日邮报》采访时说:我希望全国的学校都能够采用整班教学方法,尤其在数学和科学这两个学科上。
Education Minister Nick Gibb said having a teacher speak to the class as a whole from the front was much more effective than children working on their own – the method which has become dominant in schools over the past 40 years. 英国教育部长尼克·吉布称,比起让孩子们进行自主学习,老师在全班同学面前讲课的效率更高。而让学生自主学习这种教学方法曾在过去的40多年里占据教学的主导地位。
Mr Gibb added: 'In Shanghai primary schools, whole class teaching with all pupils taking part in question and answer sessions is key to their success. 吉布补充说:在上海小学里,所有学生参与课堂问答是他们取得成功的关键。
This name is credited to an English man by the name of Gibb. 而这个名字是一个名叫基博的英国人给起的。
Ignoring the electric potential of ions and the environmental pressure of fluid, a coupled linear constitutive relation is obtained by using Gibb's free energy function. 在忽略离子自身电势和流体环境压力的条件下,由吉布斯自由能函数得到化学与力学耦合的线性本构关系。
In this paper, ion exchange equilibrium isotherms for natural mordenite ( Jinyun Xian, Zhejiang province) and synthetic mordenite in ammonium-potassium and ammonium-silver systems along with the calculated thermodynamic equilibrium constant and Gibb's free energy change ⊿ G ° are presented. 测定了NH4~+-K~+、NH4~+-Ag~+两个体系在浙江省缙云县岱石口的天然丝光沸石和合成丝光沸石上的离子交换平衡等温线,并计算出其热力学平衡常数Ka和标准自由能变化△G~0。
The present paper derived the computation methods of chemical equilibria for complex gaseous systems containing inert components using minimization principle of Gibb ′ s free energy, Modified W-J-D method and Lagrange multipliers are obtained. 本文应用自由焓极小值原理详细推导了含有惰性组分的复杂气态物系化学平衡的计算方法。得到改进的W-J-D法及拉格朗日乘子法。