The Gantt view shows the schedule for the instance as a Gantt chart, as shown in Figure 21. Gantt视图将实例的时间表显示为一个Gantt图表,如图21所示。
To put it mildly, I didn't know a Gantt chart from a PERT chart. 说得好听点,我不知道甘特图和网络图有什么区别;
Gantt bar styles and timescale successfully updated. 甘特条形图样式和时间刻度已成功更新。
Click to show assignments in Gantt chart format. 单击此处可以甘特图格式显示工作分配。
Specify the Gantt chart format for this view. 指定此视图的甘特图格式。
Click to save changes to the Gantt chart bar styles and timescale. 单击此处可保存对甘特图的条形图样式和时间刻度的修改。
Click to rename the selected Gantt chart. 单击此处可重命名所选甘特图。
In the Gantt chart view, click object on the insert menu. 在“甘特图”视图中,单击“插入”菜单中的“对象”。
Rolls up the subtask Gantt bars to the summary tasks when the summary tasks are collapsed. 当摘要任务折叠时,将子任务的甘特条形图上卷显示在摘要任务的甘特条形图中。
The work activity plan shall be submitted to the employer as Gantt chart as well as activity network drawings. 工程活动计划应当以甘特图和活动网络图的形式提交监理方。
Click to accept the new name of the selected Gantt Chart. 单击此处可接受所选甘特图的新名称。
Gantt task and bonus system 甘特课题和奖励制度
Click to see the tasks in a Gantt Chart view with bars indicating durations of tasks. 单击此处可用甘特图视图查看任务,该视图用条形图表示任务的工期。
This operation requires the Gantt Chart solution to be active. 此操作要求甘特图解决方案处于活动状态。
To change the appearance of the timescale in the Gantt Chart view, double-click the timescale. 如果要更改甘特图视图中时间刻度的外观,请双击时间刻度。
No Gantt chart shapes are present on the active page. 在活动页上没有甘特图形状。
Type the new name for the selected Gantt chart. 请输入所选甘特图的新名称。
Set options to control the formatting and display of Gantt bars and timescale in Gantt Charts 设置选项控制甘特图中条形图和时间刻度的格式和显示
For more information about formatting your Gantt Chart, search Help for Gantt Chart. 有关设置甘特图格式的详细信息,请搜索甘特图的帮助。
Gantt chart follow-up: compare the actual executed items to the plans by using bar chart and their differences. 跟踪甘特图:以条形图的形式表现实际执行的项目与原计划相比较,他们的偏移程度。
Select the type of Gantt Chart whose bar styles and timescale you want to specify. 请选择要设置其条形图样式和时间刻度的甘特图类型。
The process control of Project Arrangement Applying Gantt Charts on project scheduling, implementation plan is put forward. 浅谈施工项目管理中施工进度的控制用甘特图进行项目的进度安排,提出了实施计划方案;
Cancel Gantt chart creation and delete chart? 是否取消甘特图的创建并删除图表?
Your Gantt bar style and timescale changes have been saved. 对甘特条形图样式和时间刻度的更改已被保存。
The selected shape is not a valid Gantt Chart or Timeline project shape. 所选形状不是有效的甘特图或时间线项目形状。
Applying Gantt Charts on project scheduling, implementation plan is put forward. 用甘特图进行项目的进度安排,提出了实施计划方案;
Drag onto a Gantt chart to add a new column of data to your project schedule. 拖到甘特图上以向项目日程添加一列新数据。
Click to go to the selected task so you can see it in the Gantt chart. 单击此处可定位到所选任务,从而在甘特图中查看该任务。
Displays the total values for subtasks on the summary task Gantt bar. 将子任务的总计值显示在摘要任务的甘特条形图中。
When you measure success in features delivered, your guiding star is the carefully crafted Gantt chart. 当你以交付功能的方式度量成功时,绘制精美的甘特图就是你的指路明灯。