Geffen has a hunger for success that seems bottomless. 格芬的成功欲望似乎永无止境。
In its new issue, fortune talks at length to David Geffen, the most powerful man in Hollywood for a generation. 最新一期《财富》(Fortune)杂志刊登了关于大卫•格芬的详实报道,从多个角度描绘了这一时代好莱坞最具影响力的人。
Peerless in his ability to merge artistic and financial instincts, Geffen has been agent; manager; record-industry mogul; movie and Broadway producer; and co-founder of a film studio. 格芬做过经纪人、经理、唱片界大佬、电影和百老汇的制片人,还共同创立了一家电影制作公司,他的艺术直觉和财务敏锐度无人能及。
Geffen reveals he has almost a billion dollars in apple ( AAPL) stock and is a believer in the company. 格芬透露称,他拥有近10亿美元的苹果(Apple)股票,很看好这家公司。
Geffen also discusses his relationship with the late Steve jobs. 他还谈到了他与已故苹果公司创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯的交情。
And yet, as a businessman, few rival Mr Geffen. 然而,作为一名商人,很少有谁能与格芬相媲美。
Work in the mailroom was tough and Mr Geffen later recalled having to fill the soap dispensers and change the toilet paper. 邮件室的工作非常艰苦,格芬后来回忆道,他还要添加液体肥皂,更换厕所手纸。
Gary Potter, co-head of Thames River Capital's multi-manager calls it is a "straightforward fund" and adds that fund manager Robin Geffen understands the Russian market. ThamesRiverCapital多重经理人联席主管加里•波特(GaryPotter)认为,它是一只直截了当的基金,他还补充称,基金经理罗宾•格芬了解俄罗斯市场。
But Redstone stuck by him, and Spielberg and Geffen eventually left Paramount in 2008, taking the DreamWorks brand with them. 但雷石东仍一如既往地信任他,结果斯皮尔伯格与格芬于2008年离开了派拉蒙,并随之带走了梦工厂的商标品牌。
Of the 1,844 unit trusts and open-ended investment companies monitored by the UK's Investment Management Association, the best two performing funds in 2006 were Neptune Russia and Greater Russia and Neptune China, both managed by Mr Geffen. 在英国投资管理协会(InvestmentManagementAssociation)监控的1844个单位信托和开放投资公司中,2006年表现最佳两只基金是Neptune俄罗斯及大俄罗斯基金和Neptune中国基金,而格芬是管理这两只基金的经理。
Geffen agrees, predicting structural inflation will not pose a problem for another three years. 格芬对此表示赞同,并预测未来3年中国不会出现结构性通胀问题。
Mr Geffen scraped through high school and tried a term at the University of Texas before Hollywood beckoned. 格芬勉强读完了高中,在德克萨斯大学(UniversityofTexas)尝试念了一个学期,就投奔了好莱坞。
Hollywood lore has it that when David Geffen got his first job in the mail room at the William Morris talent agency in New York, he lied about having a university degree. 好莱坞(Hollywood)盛传,当戴维格芬(DavidGeffen)得到其在纽约威廉莫里斯(WilliamMorris)人才中介公司邮件室的第一份工作时,他曾谎称自己拥有大学学位。
Geffen asked CDNOW if it could design a program where CDNOW would handle the order fulfillment. 格芬问CDNOW是否可以设计一个计划,使CDNOW将处理订单。
John has worked extensively in the regional theatre, including productions at The Old Globe Theatre, The Geffen Playhouse, and The Alley Theatre, among many others. 约翰的工作还涉及其他地区的剧院,包括在老球剧院、格芬剧院以及小巷剧院等的演出。
David Geffen, a Hollywood mogul, gave voice to a widespread feeling on the left when he complained about the Clintons'relationship with truth. 好莱坞大腕大卫?杰分曾抱怨克林顿夫妇不说真话,他以一语道破左翼的普遍感受。
Come November, mainland investors will be allowed to buy shares on the Hong Kong exchange, which should boost demand, according to Mr Geffen. 格芬表示,到11月份,中国内地投资者将获准购买香港交易所的股票,这可能会刺激需求。
In the 1970s Mr Geffen had a long relationship with the singer-songwriter Cher. 70年代,格芬与唱作人雪儿(cher)保持了很长一段关系。
Mr Geffen remains bullish on the country and the returns of his fund suggest this is appropriate. 格芬对中国仍然看好,其基金的回报率表明这种看法是正确的。
However Geffen says investors should also remember how strongchinese national identity is. 但格芬表示,投资者也应该记住,中国人的民族感有多强烈。
The idea for remote purchasing originally arose because of conversations with music label Geffen Records in the fall of1994. 的想法最初出现的远程采购,因为交谈格芬唱片公司记录在1994年秋季。
According to Mr Geffen, inflation is being driven by surging domestic demand and capital inflows which Russia's monetary framework is poorly equipped to deal with. 据格芬称,国内需求激增和资金流入推高了通胀率,而俄罗斯的货币体系不具备应对这些问题的能力。