Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow. 来自100多个国家的政府首脑明日将齐聚日内瓦。
It is a three-hour drive from Geneva but can be reached by a 20-minute hop in a private helicopter. 从日内瓦开车要3小时,但坐私人直升机只要20分钟就到了。
Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva. 很多国家想退出在日内瓦举行的多边贸易会谈。
Oil markets oscillated on the day's reports from Geneva. 石油市场因当天来自日内瓦的报道出现了起伏。
The mosaics were sent to Munich, and thence to Geneva. 那些马赛克被送到慕尼黑,从那里又送到日内瓦。
When do you expect the Geneva conference will convene? 你预计日内瓦会议将在何时召开?
The article describes his impressions while working in geneva. 文章抒写了他在日内瓦工作时的感受。
We arrived in Geneva soon after my letter had reached Elizabeth. 伊丽莎白收到我的信后不久我们便到了日内瓦。
Tokyo had a score of 118, as did Caracas, Geneva and Melbourne. 东京得分为118,与加拉加斯、日内瓦和墨尔本一样。
Two months later, I reached Geneva. 两个月后,我到了日内瓦。
Meetings of Health Ministers in New Delhi and Geneva 在新德里和日内瓦举办的卫生部长会议
Last week ( 26 April) the WHO and Kunming officials met in Geneva for face-to-face negotiations. 就在上周(4月26日),世卫官员和昆药的领导层在日内瓦进行了面对面的磋商。
Have you heard about Julia coming to Geneva? 你有没有听说朱丽娅到日内瓦来了?
At the talks in Geneva, we have also proposed deep cuts in strategic offensive weapons. 在日内瓦会谈中,我们也提出了要对进攻性战略武器进行大的削减。
Many international conferences are held in Geneva. 许多国际会议在日内瓦举行。
United Nations stamps are issued simultaneously at UN offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna. 联合国邮票在联合国纽约、日内瓦和维也纳办事处同时发行。
In preparation of the summit in Geneva there were already two preparatory conferences, the so-called "PrepCom" s. 为了准备在日内瓦的高峰会,已经举办过两次准备性会议了〈所谓的「会前会」(PrepCom)〉。
Here in Geneva, I have held discussions with the ambassadors of many countries. 在日内瓦,我与许多国家的大使举行了讨论。
It meets in alternate years in Rome and Geneva. 它每隔一年在罗马和日内瓦轮流举行会议。
The Vietnamese foreign minister have a series of off-the-record meetings with his French counterpart in geneva. 越南外长和法国外长在日内瓦举行了一系列非正式会议。
Very few remain in its Geneva secretariat. 它设在日内瓦的秘书处几乎没有人了。
He has served in posts based in Beijing and overseas in Geneva and Vienna. 他曾在北京以及日内瓦和维也纳等海外岗位任职。
Bombing foreign embassy is a clear violation of international law& in particular of the Geneva Convention. 轰炸外国大使馆显然违反了国际法,尤其是违反了〈日内瓦公约〉。
I don't care if it's against the Geneva oonvention. 我不在乎这个是否违反了日内瓦公约。
A grave breach under the Geneva Conventions is a violation of the law of war. 对日内瓦公约的严重违反是对战争法的违背。
Even as we speak, a ceasefire agreement is being signed in geneva. 就在我们谈话的时候,一项停火协议在日内瓦签署了。
Representatives of each of these countries attended the meeting in Geneva, together with Egypt, Nigeria and Niger. 这些国家中的每个国家代表与埃及、尼日利亚和尼日尔参加了在日内瓦召开的会议。
You will be treated according to the articles of the Geneva convention. 我们会根据日内瓦公约对待你。
We follow Geneva Convention procedures. 我们遵守日内瓦公约规定的程序。
I had a sprained my foot in Geneva, an annoying problem. 我在日内瓦扭伤了脚,这是一个烦人的问题。