Each part illustrates a different phase of the relationship between Giddens and Shen Chia Yi. 每个部分都讲诉了在不同阶段柯景腾和沈佳宜之间的关系。
The post-graduation part further develops each character by showing what they do and where they go, and also gives a tip as of how Giddens began his career as a writer. 毕业后的部分讲诉了每个角色的进一步发展,他们在做什么工作,去了什么地方,也为柯景腾如何开始他作为一个作家生涯埋下了伏笔。
Not only do Giddens words make the audience feel better about the fictional pair, they have also comforted those who may have missed the apple of their eyes in days of their youth. 不仅仅是因为柯景腾的话使观众对这虚构的一对恋人产生好感,同时也因为观众们也许在他们年轻的时候也错过了那些当年一起追过的女孩,而使他们产生了共鸣。
Maybe in an alternate universe, we will be together, said Giddens to Shen Chia Yi years after their last encounter, which ended in an unfortunate misunderstanding. 几年之后的最后一次相遇,柯景腾对沈佳宜说:也许在另一个平行时空里,我们是在一起的,他们的感情因一个不幸的误解结束。
Much to a regret, Giddens somewhat ignores the problem of imparity in the course of modernity globalization. 吉登斯对全球化的思考很有价值,但他对“现代性的全球化”过程中的不平等性等有所忽略。
Therefore, Giddens proposes to exceed the current inertial evolvement and bondage of leftism and rightism to lead the3rd way. 对此,吉登斯提出要超越现代性惯性演变、超越“左”与“右”的思想束缚,走“第三条道路”。
On Giddens 'Social Theory of Modernity and the Thought of "the Third Way" 吉登斯现代性社会理论与第三条道路思想研究
Parsons. T and Giddens. A agree that the power is the ability of activating resource for individual or organization to gain some goals or profits. 帕森斯和吉登斯一致认为权力是个体或组织为了实现某种目标或利益的一种社会资源;
Modernity, Emancipatory Politics and Life Politics: Topographic Map of Giddens's Thoughts 现代性·解放政治·生活政治&吉登斯的思想地形图
Understanding the Concept of Action in Giddens Structural Theory 理解吉登斯结构化理论中的行动概念
The Modernity Dimension of "Trust Issue": A Logic Research and Philosophical Reflection of Giddens Trust 信任问题的现代性之维&吉登斯信任观的研究理路及哲学反思
Risk Consciousness Enlightenment and Reflexive Modernization& Revelation on Beck's and Giddens 'Exploration of Way Out of Risk Society 风险意识启蒙与反思性现代化&贝克和吉登斯对风险社会出路的探寻及其启示
Giddens Ko is one of Taiwan's most prolific and popular novelists. 柯景腾是台湾最为多产和知名的小说家之一。
Beck, Giddens and Lash on Reflexive Modernization 贝克、吉登斯和拉什论自反性现代化&《自反性现代化》解读
The Integration of Action and Structure& Interpretation of Giddens Structuration Theory 行动与结构的整合&吉登斯结构化理论解读
The Confusion of Enlightenment the Study on Anthony Giddens 'Modernity Thought 启蒙之惑&安东尼·吉登斯的现代性思想研究
Leap from Dualism to Duality: Decoding New Rules of Sociological Method by Giddens 从二元性到二重性的飞跃&对吉登斯《社会学方法的新规则》的解读
I explain the problems and game behaviors of residents in the repair process by mainly using Giddens's theory of duality of social structure. 笔者主要运用了吉登斯的社会结构二重性理论对修缮过程中反映出的问题和居民的博弈行为进行了阐释。
This pape tries to quest for the development process of Giddens's idea from dualism to duality. 探寻吉登斯从二元性到二重性飞跃的轨迹对当前社会科学研究具有重要意义。
State Theory: Comparison between Marx and Giddens 国家理论:马克思与吉登斯比较研究
In Reflexive Modernization, Beck, Giddens and Lash based their theory of reflexive modernization on politics, tradition and aesthetics originally. 在《自反性现代化》一书中,贝克、吉登斯和拉什分别从政治、传统和美学角度,别出心裁地勾画了他们的自反性现代化理论。
Giddens 'Reflection and "Reconstruction" of the Historical Materialism 吉登斯对历史唯物主义的反思与重建
Power is a very important category in Giddens 'theory. 权力是吉登斯思想体系中一个极其重要的范畴。
The second chapter introduced Giddens 'Theory of Structuration from the basic concept and key questions of Theory of Structuration, made the most basic theory foreshadowing for understanding Giddens' trilogy. 第二章从结构化理论的基本概念、所关注的核心问题等方面,对吉登斯的结构化理论进行了介绍,为理解吉登斯的三部曲做了最基本的理论铺垫。
Faced with the crisis of modernity, Giddens advocates strengthening the functions and role of the state. 面对现代性危机,吉登斯主张强化国家的功能和作用。
To Giddens, knowledge is more like the structural features of action rather than structural elements. 在吉登斯的行动结构化理论中,知识与其是一种构成性要素,不如说是行动具有的结构化特征。
In this sense, Marx still possesses the theory thoroughness that Giddens can not surpass. 在这一意义上,马克思仍然具有吉登斯所无法超越的理论彻底性,我们应具备这一理论自信。
And at the same time, Giddens believes that modern risk is inextricably linked with modern. 同时,吉登斯认为,现代风险是与现代性密不可分的。
Giddens believes that any social systems have dispersion. 吉登斯则认为,任何社会体系都具有分散性。
Anthony Giddens is a famous western social theorist. 吉登斯是目前西方杰出的社会理论家。