Gilles Delion, of France, won the Tour of Lombardy in a sprint finish at Monza yesterday 法国选手吉勒斯·德利翁昨天在蒙扎凭借最后的冲刺获得伦巴第巡回赛冠军。
Young Gilles of Binche play along during the carnival. 年轻的“吉尔”在狂欢节中玩乐。
Gilles dress in the traditional Gille costume. 吉尔们身穿传统的“吉尔”式样的服装。
Lauren's father Gilles Rousseau said: She was like a kid in many ways. 劳伦的父亲GillesRousseau说:她在许多方面就像一个孩子。
But Gilles Goldenberg, author of the Deloitte study, cautioned that environmental concerns are not the overriding consideration when buying used goods. 但德勤调查的人吉勒•戈登伯格提醒说,环保并人们选择二手礼品时首要的考虑因素。
Conclusion The results show that acupuncture has a satisfactory effect on child Gilles de la Tourette s syndrome. 结论针刺治疗小儿抽动秽语综合征疗效满意。
The co-founders of BSO network solutions, a French telecoms company, who are in their late 20s, appointed Gilles Fabre as coo in April. 今年4月,吉勒法布雷(gillesfabre)就被法国电信公司bso网络解决方案(bsonetworksolutions)任命为首席运营官。
The Circuit de Nevers is a high downforce track with a smooth surface which should suit our car much better than the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Montreal. 奈沃斯赛道是一条高下压力赛道,赛道表面平滑比蒙特利尔的吉尔斯•维伦纽夫赛道更适合我们的赛车。
"For the second time in24 hours, the world of cinema feels orphaned," said Gilles jacob, president of the Cannes Film festival. “第二次在24小时内,世界电影深深的烙印,说:”吉尔雅各布主席的法国戛纳电影节。
From a personal point of view we could maybe use the fact that we have Gilles Sunu to our advantage, even to lessen the hit financially and do a player plus cash deal. 从个人的角度来看,我们也许可以使用我们吉尔鲜于要我们甚至以减轻财政上的打击和做一个球员的优势,加上现金处理的事实。
Study of three kinds of methods on Gilles Tourette syndrome 3种方法治疗小儿抽动-秽语综合征的研究
But Gilles Vandewalle of the University of Liege, Belgium, and colleagues wanted to see if light exposure has similar effects on brain function during the day, when we are naturally exposed to light. 比利时列日大学的吉利斯·万德威尔和同事们希望研究在本来就有日照的白天,人类大脑对光线是否有类似反应。
The trend is going to continue no matter what, said Mr Gilles. But the magnitude and shape of Chinese investment will depend on developments in Europe. 不管怎样,目前的趋势将持续下去,金德明表示,但中国投资的规模和形式将取决于欧洲的情况。
An analysis of the risk factors of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome Tourette综合征的发病危险因素分析
Objective To investigate the effect of combined Chinese and western medicine in treating Gilles de la Tourette Syndrom ( TS). 目的考察并比较中西医结合治疗与单用西医治疗抽动&秽语综合征(TS)的疗效及安全性。
Objective To compare the clinical efficacy of acupuncture with simple Western medicine for treating child Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. 目的针刺与单纯服用西药治疗小儿抽动秽语综合征的临床疗效差别。
Objective To explored the risk factors of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome ( TS). 目的探讨Tourette综合征(TS)发病的危险因素。
The effect of EEG with sodium valproate on the treatment and change of EEG in gilles de la tourette syndrome 丙戊酸钠治疗多发性抽动秽语综合症的疗效及脑电图变化研究
Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome by "Naoqingling Fluid" in 110 Cases 脑清灵口服液治疗抽动秽语综合征110例
Conclusion: traditional Chinese medication was duration curative effect and short course of treatment to Gilles de tourette's syndrome. 结论:抽动秽语综合症中药治疗疗程更短、疗效更持久,更具依从性、顺应性。
Children with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome were tested by using Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ). The result indicated that the introversion personality and high psychological defense level were the main psychological personality characteristics of those children. 用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对196例抽动&秽语综合征患儿进行测试,结果表明:内向人格和心理防御水平高是此类患儿主要人格心理特征。
Information Analysis of 139 Cases of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome 抽动&秽语综合征139例临床资料分析
Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of sodium valproate on gilles de la tourette syndrome. 目的探讨丙戊酸钠治疗多发性抽动秽语综合症的疗效及安全性。
A survey of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome children with abnormal behavior 抽动秽语综合征患儿伴发行为问题的调查研究
Treated the children's Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome with holoperi-dol could creat some easily ignorant side effect. 应用氟哌啶醇治疗儿童抽动-秽语综合征时可以产生某些特殊的易被忽视的副作用。