He also named Gillett to head digital strategy and marketing. 此外,他还任命吉列特执掌数字战略和营销业务。
In recognition of his efforts, fortune named Gillett to its list of 40 top executives under age 40 in 2010. 为;《财富》杂志将他列入了2010年“四十位四十岁以下的商业精英”的名单,以此表彰他的成就。
Or, in the words of Starbucks CIO Stephen Gillett, "the role of the CIO is to really challenge and harness the talent and capabilities of the people you lead." 星巴克公司(Starbucks)首席信息官史蒂夫•吉列如是说:“首席信息官的职责是不断挑战和整合员工的能力和才干。”
"We become a controlled window for trial and awareness for these properties," says Gillett, sounding more like a business-development exec than a bits-and-bytes man. 吉列说:“我们在可控的范围内不断尝试,并逐渐掌握这些趋势。”这番话让他看来更像一个业务发展高管,而不仅仅是个技术人员。
At the Seattle coffee company Gillett was instrumental in offering free wireless Internet service to customers as well as allowing payment by smartphones. 吉列特在西雅图星巴克总部工作时曾力主公司为客户提供免费无线上网服务,并支持通过智能手机支付。
Like other analysts, Mr Gillett also says that HP has promising new technologies it is nurturing including from smaller acquisitions and the main challenge will be to overcome the perceptions of failure that dog the company, made all the worse by the autonomy news. 吉勒特像其他的分析人士一样,也表示惠普正在培育的新技术有前途其中包括来自于小型收购的成果,惠普的主要挑战是克服萦绕公司内部的失败观,这种想法因autonomy丑闻而更加严重了。
Hicks and Gillett claim they will sue the three Liverpool board members, the bank controlling the club's debt and prospective buyer New England Sports Ventures for a total of$ 1.6bn(£ 1bn) in damages. 利物浦两位美国老板汤姆·希克斯和乔治·吉列今天晚间声称,一家美国德州法院已经批准了一纸临时禁令,阻止原本即将发生的波士顿红袜老板对利物浦俱乐部的收购行为。
The Saudi prince has reportedly been in contact with Liverpool co-owner George Gillett over a potential buy-out of his share, and he also has eyes on Tom Hicks'half of the club. 据报,沙特王子与利物浦老板之一乔治。吉列特已经开始商讨股份收购计划,而汤姆。希克斯手中持有的另一半俱乐部股份也可能在他的计划之中。
Gillett's son, Foster, will arrive later this summer to work with Anfield chief executive Rick Parry. 吉利特的儿子,福斯特,将会在今年夏天晚些时候到安菲尔德与首席执行官里克帕里一起共事。
Sports investment firm F6, which is chaired by Saudi prince Faisal bin Fahd bin Abdullah, has said that it had signed a deal with Gillett to begin the process of examining Liverpool's accounts. 掌管F6体育投资公司的沙特亲王法赛尔-本-法哈德-本-阿卜杜拉声称已经和吉列开始了以审查利物浦俱乐部帐目为开端的实际接触。
He and co-owner George Gillett officially announced LFC is for sale yesterday, appointing Martin Broughton as chairman to oversee the sale. 昨天利物浦官方代表希克斯与吉列特正式公布了任命布劳顿为球队新主席以及打算出售球队的决定。
The Spaniard consistently underlined his good working relationship with American owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett by emphasising his and the club's long-term planning. 西班牙人通过强调他和俱乐部长期的规划来始终如一的强调他跟美国老板汤姆?希克斯和乔治?吉列特良好的工作关系。
In an effort to delay RBS from accepting the offer, Gillett has presented Syrian businessman Yahya Kirdi as a viable bidder for Liverpool. 而另一方面,美国人吉列则使用“拖延战术”,搬出叙利亚富商基尔迪当挡箭牌,称基尔迪也有收购意向。
His contract remains unsigned and while his lawyer will talk with representatives of the club's owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett, next week, a conclusion is far from imminent. 他和利物浦的合同现在还没有续约,他的律师将会和俱乐部的拥有者汤姆·希克斯、乔治·吉勒特进行谈判,下周,恐怕结论还不会出来。
There were fears among some board members that Gillett intended to revive plans for a ground share with Merseyside rivals Everton. 董事会的一部分成员担心,吉莱特有意改变计划而只是与默西塞德郡同城死敌埃佛顿共用一个球场。
Benitez was handed a four-year contract in midweek however, he stunned Tom Hicks and George Gillett by turning it down for the fifth time. 周中,贝尼特斯收到了一份为期四年的合同,然而,他拒绝了第五次合同令汤姆希克斯和吉列震惊。
He has taken extensive legal advice and believes the agreements signed by Hicks and Gillett are binding. 他有法律上的支持,也有西克斯和吉雷特签署的文件。
Earlier today a high court judge definitively ruled against Hicks and Gillett in a move that was expected to precipitate the sale of the club as early as tomorrow. 今天早些时候,英国高级法院法官曾正式驳回了两个美国佬的诉讼,而这一结果原来意味着俱乐部易主事件将最快能于明天尘埃落定。
But Gillett, who has been regarded as less enthusiastic in his support for Benitez than fellow co-owner Tom Hicks, has given his backing to the Spaniard. 但是相对于他的合作伙伴希克斯,他被认为对贝尼特斯支持更缺乏衷心支持。
Fans can easily speculate that Liverpool's owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett and planning for the potential failure to finish inside the top four this season. 球迷们可能会猜测这是吉列特与希克斯为了可能无缘下赛季的欧冠赛场而留有的后手。
With DIC stalling, Gillett has moved to put himself in with a chance of derailing the deal. 在DIC一直延迟的同时,吉莱特已经带着破坏这一交易的机会乘虚而入。
Klinsmann met with Gillett, Hicks and Parry in the United States but, once the crisis at Anfield had ended, he was appointed coach of Bayern Munich. 克林斯曼在美国会见吉列、希克斯和帕里,但是随着安菲尔德的危机解除,他也被任命为拜仁主帅。
Hicks and Gillett have made the new stadium one of their top priorities and the club are hoping to move into their new home in2009. 黑克斯与吉列特将新球场作为他们当前最关心的事,俱乐部期待在2009年迁入新球场。
The bank's lawyers accused Hicks and Gillett of changing the running of the club to "frustrate" its sale ahead of Friday's deadline. 银行的律师控诉H&G不经营俱乐部,反而还要在周五死限之前阻止俱乐部的出售。
Liverpool co-owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett have confirmed that they want to attract outside investment for the club. 利物浦俱乐部的联合拥有人汤姆-希克斯和乔治-吉列已经承认他们想要为俱乐部寻找外来投资。
But the turbulent three years under Tom Hicks and George Gillett have had an effect. 但是在吉列和希克斯统治下的混乱的三年对我们产生了一些影响。
But Gillett and co-owner Tom Hicks will leave the decision to boss Rafa benitez, who tried to bring back Owen after his year at real madrid. 但是吉利特和汤姆希克斯将会把决定权交给主教练拉法贝尼特斯,后者曾经在欧文离开皇马时想把他带回来。
But hopes may now be raised following Hicks and Gillett's confirmation that they are eager for investors in Liverpool. 但是希望又重新燃起,希克斯和吉列确认了他们渴望利物浦能够有新的投资者。