They rolled about on the Gilligan Road, simulating a bloodthirsty fight 他们在吉利根路上翻滚,模拟一场暴力厮杀。
The Gilligan record in four years as governor was exemplary. 吉利根当州长四年,政绩斐然。
Gilligan says that, for this reason, Killik is avoiding investing in any highly-leveraged funds or companies, as it believes the financial crisis will continue for some time. 吉利根表示,因此,killik避免对任何高度杠杆化的基金和公司进行投资,因为公司相信金融危机还将持续一段时间。
Because I'm the skipper, and you're gilligan. 因为在这里我是船长,你是小弟。
Bob Gilligan is the vice-president for GE's digital energy business, part of GE Energy. 鲍勃·吉利根(BobGilligan)是通用电气能源集团数字能源副总裁。
I've a message for you from John Gilligan. 约翰•吉利根要我捎个信息给你。
Cos you're Gilligan's partner, right? Look, I'm a fairly minor player. 因为你是吉利根的合伙人,是吗?看,我只不过是个不入流的玩家。
Whether the gearing provides flexibility to invest in new opportunities depends largely on whether the borrowings have been deployed or not, says Gilligan. 杠杆化是否对投资新机会提供灵活性,很大程度上取决于贷款是否被合理配置,吉利根说。
"If you think there could be a turnround, and see equities going higher from here, then geared investment trusts should see more upside," says Mick Gilligan at Killik& Co. “假如你认为可能会出现转机,并认为股票会从此走高,那么增持投资信托应有更多的升值空间,”killik&co的米克吉利根(mickgilligan)表示。
Ginger on "Gilligan's Island," Carrot Top, and Bozo the Clown. 关于“吉利根岛生姜,”胡萝卜顶,和Bozo的小丑。
How are you? Do you know where I might find Mr Gilligan? 你好吗?你知道我能在哪里找到吉利根先生?
Mr Gilligan played down the latest signs of political tension, saying: When we look at China, we see great potential. 吉利根淡化了最新的政治紧张迹象,他表示:当我们把目光投向中国时,我们看到巨大的潜力。
Gilligan believes the best option for investors is to hold a relatively stable portfolio for the long term, trim their positions when they believe they are overvalued and increase their positions when they look oversold. 吉利根认为,投资者的最佳选择是长期持有一个相对稳定的投资组合,在他们认为投资组合超买的时候减仓,在感觉超卖的时候增仓。
Gilligan's listed here as living in a council flat on the dole. 这里列出的记录表明吉利根住在失业救济委员会的公寓里。
Carol Gilligan ( 1936-) is a world-renowned feminist ethicist and moral psychologist. She influenced greatly in the Western society. 卡罗尔·吉利根(CarolGilligan,1936&)是世界上享有盛名的女性主义者和道德心理学家,在西方社会产生了重要的影响。
The Research on Carol Gilligan's Psychological Thought of Morality 吉利根的道德心理学思想研究
Gilligan's thought not only makes great contributions to moral psychology, but also influences the fields, such as moral philosophy, ethics. It also has much revelation to the moral education in China nowadays. 吉利根的思想不仅为道德心理学的发展作出了重大贡献,而且在道德哲学、伦理学等领域也产生了广泛的影响,对中国当代的道德教育也有一定的启示作用。
Gilligan discussed the caring orientation which is different from the justice orientation. Gilligan论述了与公正取向不同的关怀取向。