n. 吉萨(埃及北部一城市,位于开罗西南,尼罗河西岸,是金字塔和狮身人面像所在地;1990年估计人口2,156,000。 阿拉伯语名 Al Jizah); 亦称 El Giza
Astronauts can spot the Great Wall from low earth orbit, along with plenty of other things like the Giza pyramids and even airport runways. 宇航员可以在近地轨道上看见长城,同时还能看见其他很多建筑,比如吉萨的金字塔,甚至还有飞机跑道。
Pyramids of Giza, Egypt 埃及的吉萨金字塔
Some Egyptians raided and set fire to two government offices in Giza, a city across the Nile River from Cairo. 一些埃及人袭击并放火烧了与开罗一河(尼罗河)之隔的吉莎的两间政府办公室。
Visitors at Egypt's Giza Pyramids on Saturday got a rare opportunity. 周六,埃及吉萨金字塔的游客获得千载难逢的机会,得以进入金字塔的地下室。
Other newly-minted Chinese magnates have also engaged in bizarre construction projects one businessman has built imitations of both the Great Pyramid of Giza and the palace of Versailles on his corporate campus but Liu has ambitions for more. 其他一些中国新贵也纷纷参与到独特的建筑项目中来。一位商人在他的公司园区内,模仿胡夫金字塔和凡尔赛宫建造了两栋建筑。但刘崇华的抱负不止于此。
The Great Sphinx is located in Egypt on the Giza plateau, about six miles west of Cairo. 狮身人面像位于埃及的加扎高原,首都开罗以西大约6里。
Coptic Bishop Theodosius of Giza insists there is no conflict between Muslims and Christians in the area where the violence occurred, accusing outside forces of provoking troubles. 吉萨地区科普特基督教主教狄奥多西认为,发生此次暴力事件的这一地区的穆斯林和基督徒并没有冲突,他指责是外部力量挑起了事端。
The dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt conform to the golden ratio. 位于埃及吉萨的大金字塔,其长宽高比例正符合黄金比例。
There are many such pyramids and conduits that serve this role, but none quite so potently as Giza. 像这样的金字塔和导管有很多,但吉萨的能量最为强大。
A golfer enjoys a game at the Oberoi House hotel and golf course near the Giza pyramid. 看,那人正在吉萨大金字塔脚下的奥贝罗伊饭店高尔夫球场上挥杆。
This will be confusing to you, but the Giza Complex has no true beginning point in linear time. 你们会感到很迷惑,但吉萨金字塔在线性时间上讲并不是最早的。
He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops. 他是吉萨大金字塔的建造者,吉萨大金字塔被错误的认为是基奥普斯所建。
From any angle, Giza's pyramids inspire awe. Recently, scientists have learned much about the communities of workers who built these massive monuments. 埃及图片画廊。从任何角度,吉萨的金字塔使人敬畏。最近,许多有学问的科学家们关于工人们有谁修建这些巨大的纪念碑。
Throat chakra: Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai, Egypt; 喉轮:吉萨大金字塔和埃及的西奈山,耶路撒冷的橄榄山。
The Great Pyramid is the largest of three Pyramids at Giza, bordering modern-day Cairo. 大金字塔在吉萨是三座金字塔中最大的,毗接于现代开罗的边境。
The great Egyptian museum, giza, Egypt ( international competition entry) 大埃及博物馆,吉萨,埃及(国际竞赛投标)
Memphis and its Necropolis-the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur Sophie Marceau is really beautiful, and Sami Frey very attractive, as always. 孟菲斯及其墓地&从吉萨到代赫舒尔的金字塔区域苏菲-玛索真的是美极了,而萨米-弗雷也一如既往地充满了魅力。
Of the seven ancient wonders of the world, only one remains standing today, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. 世界七大奇迹中唯一留存的是埃及吉萨金字塔。
The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was the world's tallest architectural construction for4000 years until the creation of the Eiffel tower. 在艾菲尔铁塔建造前的4000年间,埃及的吉萨大金字塔一直是世界上最高的建筑。
That is why there is more than one version of the Great Pyramid standing in Giza, even though most humans only see one. 这就是吉萨有多个大金字塔的模版,但大多数人们只能看到一个的原因。
Tourists ride rented horses and camels at the historical site of the Giza Pyramids, near Cairo, Egypt. 旅游者们骑著租来的马和骆驼漫步在靠近开罗城的古埃及吉萨大金字塔。
Depictions such as these likely inspired the designs of the ships found buried by the Great Pyramid at Giza. 类似于这样的描画可能激发了对吉萨的大金字塔旁埋藏的太阳船的设计。
As such the Platinum awakening will greatly increase the potency of the primary Pyramids of the Planet, especially the Great Pyramid of Giza. 因此白金的觉醒,将大大增加地球上主要金字塔,特别是吉萨大金字塔的力量。
Elizabeth bacon, a New York psychic, claimed while in trance, that the crystal sphere had once belonged to thoth, the Egyptian god who was responsible for burying a secret vault of knowledge in giza, near the three great pyramids. 纽约女巫伊莉莎白培根,在出神时候宣称水晶球体曾经属于透特神,他是负责在吉萨埋葬秘密知识的埃及神,在那里附近有三个巨大的金字塔。
The King's Pyramid of Giza exists not only in all twelve dimensions on your Earth Plane, but also in your Earth's parallels. 吉萨的国王金字塔不仅仅存在于地球的十二个维度中,还存在于其它的并行的地球版本中。
The Pyramids of Giza are the only remaining wonder of the ancient world. 开罗吉萨金字塔是原世界奇迹的唯一幸存者。
The ancient necropolis of Memphis and the Pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Khufu, is located in the desert at Giza. 古老的孟菲斯大墓地和世界上最大的金字塔&胡夫金字塔以及其它众多金字塔,位于吉萨棉沙漠。
The second solar boat, whose excavation began Thursday, will eventually take the place of the first, which is to be moved to the Grand Egyptian Museum being built at Giza. 第二艘太阳船的发掘工作在已星期四展开,并最终会取代第一艘船的展出,而第一艘将会被移至吉萨正在修建的大埃及博物馆。