Studies on Purification Process of Total Flavones from Glechoma longituba with Macroporous Adsorption Resin 大孔吸附树脂纯化连钱草总黄酮工艺研究
Effect of the ethanol extracts of Glechoma longituba on isolated ileum smooth muscle of guinea pig and the intestine movement function of mice 连钱草乙醇提取物对豚鼠离体肠平滑肌和小鼠肠运动功能的影响
Circulated extraction of flavonoids from Glechoma longituba by ultrasonic wave 超声循环法提取连钱草总黄酮
Advances in Studies on Clone Morphology, Microstructure and Main Chemical Constituents of Glechoma longituba 活血丹的克隆形态、显微结构与化学成分研究进展
Through blade paraffin section of two species ground covers, the observation of leaf anatomical structure, light stress can effect leaf anatomical structure of Glechoma longituba and Duchesnea indica. 对两种地被植物的叶片做石蜡切片后,对其叶片解剖结构进行观察可以看出,光胁迫能够影响连钱草和蛇莓的叶片解剖结构。