Greenspan has urged Washington lawmakers and policymakers to stand aside and let the economy heal on its own. 格林斯潘敦促华盛顿的立法者和决策层不要对经济进行干预,让经济依靠自身的力量进行自愈。
But Greenspan clarified that the system needs to be repaired, rather than replaced. 但格林斯潘阐明了系统需要修理,而不是取代。
A few weeks ago, Alan Greenspan warned against the megamerger sin the banking industry. 就在几星期以前,格林斯潘对银行业的巨大合并发出了警告。
You know we had one in 2000 with Greenspan, and then we had a housing bubble and a financial bubble with Bernanke and Greenspan. 大家知道,我们在2000年格林斯潘掌舵时经历过一次泡沫;托贝南克(Bernanke)和格林斯潘的福,我们随后又迎来了房地产泡沫和金融泡沫。
Asked whether the Fed could avoid turmoil, Mr. Greenspan responded, I don't think it's possible. 在被问到美联储能否避免市场动荡时,格林斯潘回答说,我认为那不可能。
Among its speakers was Alan Greenspan, the future chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. 后来当上美国联邦储备委员会主席的艾伦·格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)也曾是学院的演讲者之一。
Mister Bernanke says he will seek to continue the policies established during the Greenspan years. 伯南克先生说他将尝试继续推行格林斯潘期间建立的一些政策。
Many blame the Greenspan Fed for this mess. 很多人指责格林斯潘领导下的美联储造成了当前的乱局。
Through his office, Mr Greenspan declined to comment for this article. 透过他的办公室,格林斯潘拒绝对本文置评。
I was just reading Alan Greenspan's new book, The Age of Turbulence. 我刚读了艾伦·格林斯潘的新书,《动荡年代》
With interest rates hitting zero I say Alan Greenspan Ben Bernanke must be losing sleep at night. 所以,明显的,我们又处于这种情形中了,当利率接近零点我可以说艾伦。格林斯潘,本。伯南克肯定在夜里睡不好觉。
Only history will be able to judge the different approaches of Greenspan and king. 只有历史才能够对格林斯潘和金的不同做法作出评判。
As for Alan Greenspan's legacy? 那么,艾伦格林斯潘留下了什么遗产呢?
We all hope that Mr Greenspan proves right about the US economy. 我们都希望格林斯潘先生关于美国经济的论述是正确的。
"It's not good for kids," says psychiatrist Stanley Greenspan, author of Building Healthy Minds. 精神病学家、《培养健康头脑》一书的作者斯坦利·格林斯潘说:这对孩子不好。
Both Mr Greenspan and Mr McCain subsequently issued "clarifications". 格林斯潘和麦凯恩随后均发表“澄清”。
Foreigners have heard of Greenspan. 外国人可知道格林斯潘。
Alan Greenspan expressed puzzlement that shareholders and managers of banks had not controlled risk more effectively. 艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)感到非常费解,为什么银行股东和管理层没有更加有效地控制风险?
Mr Greenspan warned that the US budget imbalance will worsen unless congress curtails government spending. 在评论中,格林斯潘先生警告说若国会不削减政府开支,美国预算不平衡状况将会恶化。
The biggest risk of all may be that we have come to rely on Greenspan too much. 也许,最大的风险是我们太依赖格林斯潘了。
Mr Greenspan says "I did and still do" expect some normalisation of profit and wage shares. 格林斯潘表示,“我过去期待,现在仍期待”利润和薪资比例能够实现某种程度的正常化。
"A minimum first step is have the TV and computer in the family area," says Greenspan. 格林斯潘说:最初的一步是把电视和电脑放在家里的公共场所。
Mr Greenspan has shamefacedly admitted it. Mr Brown has yet to do so. 格林斯潘已羞愧地承认了这一点,而布朗还没有认错。
Alan Greenspan called once, saying, no matter what, he wanted Buffett to stay. 格林斯潘来了一次电话,他表示,无论结果如何,他都希望巴菲特留下来。
This time Mr Greenspan did not just stand aside. 这次格林斯潘没有袖手旁观。
Are you China's Alan Greenspan? 你是中国的格林斯潘吗?
But Greenspan as we have already established& is no god. 但是正如我们早已明确的,格林斯潘不是神。
Eight years on, Mr Bernanke has succeeded Mr Greenspan as chairman of the Fed. 八年过去了,伯南克接替格林斯潘,成为美联储主席。