He is accused of complicity with the leader of the coup, former Colonel Gregorio Honasan. 他被控与政变首领——前上校格雷戈里奥·霍纳桑——串通一气。
Sepp Blatter, Fifa president and one of the most powerful figures in world sport, was not among those arrested, the Associated Press quoted Fifa spokesman Walter de Gregorio as saying. 美联社(AP)援引国际足联发言人沃尔特德格雷戈里奥(WalterdeGregorio)的话说,塞普布拉特(SeppBlatter)不在被捕名单之列。布拉特作为国际足联主席,是世界体育界最有权势的人物之一。
The Philippines foreign ministry said the standoff began Tuesday when Manila's flagship naval vessel, the Gregorio del Pilar, confronted eight Chinese fishing boats near a disputed shoal off the northwest province of Zambales. 菲律宾外交部说,这次对峙从星期二开始,当时马尼拉的海军旗舰德尔毕拉尔号在菲律宾西北部三描礼士省沿海一处有争议的浅滩附近拦截八艘中国渔船。
This is a great opportunity for the Fund to really move forward and strengthen the selection process, De Gregorio said. 这是一个让IMF真正进步、加强遴选过程的极好机会,德格雷戈里奥表示。
I think Dominique Strauss-Kahn must fully focus on his defence at this stage and that is incompatible with devoting all his time and efforts to running the fund at a very crucial time in the world economy, De Gregorio said. 我认为多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩现阶段应当全力投入为自己辩护,而这与奉献出他的所有时间和精力、在世界经济的一个关键时刻执掌IMF是不相容的,德格雷戈里奥表示。
Italians today are all for captain Gregorio de Falco who shouted Torna a Bordo, cazzo! 意大利人现在都支持朝着斯凯蒂诺大喊“tornaabordo,cazzo”的德法尔科。
Gregorio, mindful that his famous character wouldn't expect him to accurately render the noumenal world, doesn't fetishize historical verisimilitude. 格利高里奥知道他的著名人物不指望他准确地描述本体世界,没有盲目崇拜历史真实性。
Every year, the narrow cobbled street of San Gregorio Armeno in the heart of Naples comes alive as artisans peddle their often witty, hand-crafted nativity scenes. 每年(的这个时候),那不勒斯市中心的这条名叫圣格雷戈里奥•阿尔梅诺的鹅卵石窄街都会充满生机。巧手匠们沿街叫卖手工制作的新颖有趣的耶稣诞生实景。
Gregorio, identified as a "professor of philosophy" who "lives in Italy," rechannels Eco's first novel in intriguing ways. 格利高里奥自称是生活在意大利的哲学教授,用引人入胜的方式重新改造了艾柯的处女作。
Gregorio doubles the ante by combining the overarching master of a coherent, rational philosophical approach to the world, Kant, with an excellent piecemeal worker like Hanno. 格利高里奥把对世界进行连贯,理性,哲学思考的大师康德与最好的专注细节的侦探汉诺结合起来让赌注翻了一番。