In1977, comedian Groucho Marx died in Los Angeles at age86. 在1977年,喜剧演员GrouchoMarx在洛杉矶逝世,享年86岁!
For each computer, groucho, chico, and harpo, the script runs the rsync command, replacing$ HOME with your home directory ( for example,/ home/ joe) and$ machine with a computer name. 该脚本对groucho、chico和harpo中的每一台计算机运行rsync命令,并将$HOME替换为您的主目录(例如,/home/joe),将$machine替换为计算机名称。
Like Groucho Marx, Japan and the US are not rushing to join the new club. 就像格鲁乔马克思一样,日本和美国并不急于加入亚投行这个新俱乐部。
GROUCHO MARX once said that he did not care to belong to a club that accepted people like him as members. “我可不想加入一家接收像我这样的人作为其成员的俱乐部,”格劳乔•马克斯曾如是言道。