The company's American partner in the project, Northrop Grumman, pulled out of the process in March claiming the terms favour Boeing. 其美国合作伙伴若斯洛普格拉曼公司在3月份的时候宣布弃标,它认为认为竞标条件偏向于波音公司一方。
Northrop Grumman's final software and hardware delivery is scheduled for the2009 to2010 timeframe. 诺斯普罗。格鲁门公司计划于2009至2010年提供最终的软件和硬件产品。
Big defence suppliers such as Northrop Grumman and Boeing have been modelling future warfare for decades, building sophisticated computer models to test scenarios and assess potential solutions before they are delivered to the front line. 大型国防供应商,如诺斯洛普格鲁门公司(northropgrumman)和波音(boeing),数十年来一直在模拟未来战争,在向前线发货之前,建立了先进的计算机模型,以测试场景、评估潜在方案。
The Northrop Grumman RQ-4A Global Hawk is the modernest UAV of the USAF& the world. 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的RQ-4A“全球鹰”是美国空军乃至全世界最先进的无人机。
Northrop Grumman and EADS pulled out late on Monday night, saying the rules of the US tender were designed to favour the smaller air-to-air refuelling tanker proposed by rival Boeing. 诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司和EADS在周一晚间退出了此次竞标。它们表示,美方的招标规则旨在偏袒其竞争对手波音(Boeing)提出的、体型较小的空中加油机方案。
When Justin Kessler, an applied mathematician at Northrop Grumman Information Systems, showed the results of the project to his managers, they were struck by the low price tag. 当诺斯罗普·格鲁门信息系统公司的应用数学家贾斯廷·凯斯勒(JustinKessler)将该项目的成果展示给他的经理们时,他们都被如此低廉的价格所震惊。