The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen. 危地马拉军方说叛乱分子伏击打死了10名巡逻兵。
Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina issued a disaster alert and asked for the evacuation of affected buildings, warning of aftershocks. 危地马拉总统佩雷斯(OttoPerezMolina)发布了灾害警报,要求受影响的建筑内的人疏散,并警告可能发生余震。
The same African men are always selling knockoffs of the same designer handbags and sunglasses, and the same Guatemalan musicians are always playing I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail on their bamboo windpipes. 总有非洲男子兜售仿冒的名牌皮包和太阳眼镜,总有危地马拉乐手表演竹笛,吹奏我宁可当麻雀也不肯当蜗牛。
The quake sent shockwaves through the Mexican state of Chiapas and along the Guatemalan coast, and was felt as far as Mexico City more than 600 miles away. 震波冲击了墨西哥的恰帕斯州(Chiapas)及危地马拉沿海地区,远在600多英里以外的墨西哥城也有震感。
Get a box of six Guatemalan worry dolls: before going to bed, tell one worry to each doll and put them under your pillow; while you sleep, the dolls will take your troubles away. 在睡觉前准备一箱(6个)危地马拉忧心娃娃,告诉每个娃娃一个忧伤,然后把它们放在枕头下面,枕着它们入睡。这样,在你睡着的时候,它们就会将你的烦恼带走。
At a Guatemalan wedding reception, the mother of the groom breaks a white bell to welcome the newlyweds to the party. 危地马拉的婚礼习俗是新郎的妈妈会在婚宴上打破一只白色的钟来欢迎新人。
Ms Mench ú is the first Mayan Guatemalan to run for president. 门楚夫人是第一位竞选总统的危地马拉玛雅族人。
Jamaican Allspice has a clove-like aroma while the Honduran and Guatemalan varieties have a characteristic bay-rum flavor. 牙买加多香果有丁香似的香气,而洪都拉斯和墨西哥的品种则是有一种洗发水的香味。
Do I get some Guatemalan face hat? 我能不能要危地马拉脸帽子?
Special envoy of the Secretary-General for the Guatemalan peace process; 秘书长危地马拉和平进程特使;
Mexican Committee of Solidarity with the Guatemalan People 墨西哥声援危地马拉人民委员会
Her name is Tatiana, but she's not Mexican. She's Guatemalan. 她叫Tatiana,但她不是墨西哥人,她是危地马拉人。
Initially, the researchers infected female Guatemalan commercial sex workers with gonorrhea or syphilis, and then encouraged them to have unprotected sex with soldiers or prison inmates. 起初,研究人员给危地马拉的女性性工作者“接种”了淋病或梅毒病毒,然后再让她们与士兵或囚犯进行没有采取保护措施的性行为。
Mr Wu had even made sure he sourced his beans from the same premium Guatemalan supplier as the US chain. 吴政学甚至设法确保他的咖啡豆与星巴克来自危地马拉同一家优质供应商。
The plan was to meet in Mexico City then head south, close to the Guatemalan border. 按照计划,我们将在墨西哥城见面,然后南下前往靠近危地马拉边境的地方。
Meanwhile, The Guatemalan president has called the1946-1948 experiments conducted by the US National Institutes of Health "crimes against humanity". 同时,危地马拉总统称这项由美国国立卫生研究院在1946至1948年进行的实验“违反了人类道德”。
We were speeding through a powerful downpour towards the southern end of the steamy Guatemalan coast. 我们在倾盆大雨中加速前进,朝着空气潮湿的危地马拉海岸南端驶去。
Guatemalan Confederation of Clergy 危地马拉神职人员联合会
Obama personally apologized to Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom in October before ordering a thorough review of what happened. 去年10月,奥巴马亲自向危地马拉总统阿尔瓦罗·柯隆表示了歉意,随后下令彻查这件事。