Inhibition of the alcohol extract, ether extract and the mixture of liquid cultured hypha and culture liquid from Gymnopilus spectabilis to MCF-7 is studied in this paper. 采用台盼蓝法研究了桔黄裸伞的乙醚提取物、乙醇提取物和液体培养的菌丝及培养液的混合物对人乳腺癌细胞(MCF-7)的存活率和对其DNA合成的影响。
The cultural fruiting bodies of the Gymnopilus spectabilis were phytochemical investigated using layer extracts with petroleum ether, diethyl ether, methanol and water and silica gel chromatography. 本研究采用石油醚、乙醚、甲醇、水溶剂梯度提取法和多种柱层析法,对栽培橘黄裸伞子实体进行了化学研究。