The second quotation is from an essay that D H Lawrence wrote in the nineteen-twenties. 第二段引文出自D.H.劳伦斯20世纪20年代写的一篇文章。
Police pulled him over doing 120km/ h, making rapid changes and tailgating. 警察令他把车靠边停下,因为他的时速高达120公里还一直快速变道、紧贴行驶。
He didn't know that water and H ₂ O are one. 他不懂水和H₂O分子式是一回事。
He merely said,“ H'm ”, and went away. 他嗯了一声,就走了。
Catagensis is marked by a loss of hydrogen, and consequently by a decrease of the h/ c ratio. 后生阶段以氢减少必然导致h/d比率降低为特征。
H: Right, jealousy! Thank you for saying that. H:对,是妒嫉,谢谢你替我表达了。
Also, thread-safe interfaces to locale. h have been implemented. 另外,还实现了locale.h的线程安全的接口。
It's fair to say that today's hardware ( H/ W) is fairly safe. 可以说,如今的硬件(H/W)已经相当安全了。
Also notice that the "h" and "o" were already concatenated before the error got triggered. 另请注意,在触发该错误之前已经连接了“h”和“o”。
They are sys/ types. h, sys/ stat.h, and fcntl. h. 相应地,在Linux中用于open()和close()的函数应当包含头文件sys/types.h、sys/stat.h和fcntl.h。
The header files under/ usr/ Include/ limit. h and ulimit. h define these constants. usr/Include/limit.h和ulimit.h下的头文件定义了这些内容。
CPU hours ( the time one or more CPUs are allocated to a server, also in h). CPU时间(将一个或多个CPU分配给服务器的时间,单位也为h)。
The third variable used in this template,$ { h}, is a Tag Library variable. 本模板中使用的第三个变量,${h},是一个TagLibrary变量。
You should also look at how many hours per use case point ( H) are needed. 您还需要查看每一个用例点需要多少个小时(H)。
Include logger. h in your C stored procedure that will define the logging methods prototypes. 我们需要在C存储过程中包含logger.h,它定义了日志方法的原型。
You can find the functions associated with the inode cache in./ linux/ fs/ inode. c ( and./ linux/ include/ fs. h). 您可以在./linux/fs/inode.c和./linux/include/fs.h中找到与inode缓存相关的函数。
Width ( w) and height ( h) display parameters are set to320 px and136 px. Width(w)和height(h)显示参数被设置为320px和136px。
Do you do a lot of investigation into these things, and the technology behind it. H:你对这些事与其背后的科技做了很多调查吗?
It strikes me that you have a billionaire and a crime fighter. H:在剧里,你同时拥有一个亿万富翁和一个正义战士。这一点让我很震撼。
A category of generalized set-valued variational inclusions involving H(·,·)-accretive mappings are introduced and studied. 引入和研究了与H(·,·)-增生映射相关的广义变分包含。
I work in H& Q Group, I am like router and switch product. 我汉鼎集团工作,我很喜欢路由器和交换机产品。
So we have h c n. 那么我们有氢,碳和氮。
Non-painful and painful intramuscular conditioning stimuli were also used to modulate the NWR and the soleus H-reflex. 非疼痛的和疼痛的肌内制约刺激也常被用于调整NWR和比目鱼肌H反射。
That means that h is negative z^ 4 plus a constant. 就是说h等于-z^4,加上一个常数。
The Gibbs-Helmholtz equation is that d/ dT fundamental equations about G and H. 吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程告诉我们,等于-/T,the,d,delta,G,over,T,dT,is,equal,to,minus,delta,H,over,T。,关于G和T的基本方程。
H and the code is in fs/. h中描叙且其代码在fs/中。
Here we study a nonlinear hyperbolic integrodifferential system which was proposed by H. 本文研究一个非线性双曲微分积分系统,它由H。
In this case is to call a function in the implementation of intrins. h cycle shift. 本例中是调用的intrins.h中的函数实现的循环移位。