My HDD partitions were all auto-mounted ( including HPFS), but were not placed on the desktop to clutter it. 我的硬盘驱动器分区都自己挂载上来(包括HPFS分区),但是并没有被胡乱地堆放在桌面上。
Knoppix also automatically mounts all my HDD partitions on the desktop, including the HPFS partitions on my OS/ 2 desktop that I used for testing. Knoppix还将我的所有硬盘分区自动挂载到桌面上,包括测试用的OS/2桌面上的HPFS分区。
Conclusions: MRI can show the atrophy of HPFs and parahippocampal gyri in patients with memory impairment. 结论:MR可以显示记忆力损伤病人海马及海马旁回萎缩。