Attractive CEOs raise their company's stock price when they first appear on television, according to a working paper by Joseph T. Halford and Hung-Chia Hsu at the University of Wisconsin. 威斯康星大学的徐宏嘉(音)和乔瑟夫•T•哈尔福德的工作报告显示,富有魅力的CEO能在首次电视露面时助力公司提升股价。
It shows the officer who was with Halford telling Genn and Godfrey that there was no way Halford survived that attack. 那个警官跟着哈福德的警官告诉吉恩和戈弗雷,哈福德没有从那个袭击中生还的希望。
They then decide to searched for the wild animal who attacked Halford. 他们决定寻找袭击了哈福德那个野兽。
Things then go back to the present with Halford mentioning that such a detailed account could only be said by someone who actually was there. 现在回到哈福德那边。哈福德表示,能知道得如此详细的,只能是亲自经历过的人。
British geographer Halford J.Mackinder considered Eurasia hinterland as the "hub of power." He believes that if any nation who controls the region can impact the whole balance of forces in Eurasia. 英国地理学家哈·麦金德将欧亚大陆的腹地称之为权力的枢纽。他认为哪个民族如果控制了这个地区,就可以影响整个欧亚大陆的力量对比。
As the important geo-strategic position and delivery channel of oil and gas resources between Central Asia and Caspian Sea region, Transcaucasian region which was called the Eurasian continent by Halford Mackinder, links the center of Europe and Asia continents. 外高加索地区是中亚和里海地区油气资源的重要输送通道,同时也是联系欧、亚两大洲的中心纽带,地缘战略地位至关重要,被麦金德称为欧亚大陆的中心地带。