The first time I dressed up as a woman was Hallowe'en. 我第一次男扮女装是在一次万圣节前夕。
Each year on Hallowe'en and31 July the Angelystor is said to appear in the medieval church of Llangernyw in Conwy. 每年的万圣节或是一月三十一日,据说安吉尔斯特会出现在中世纪欧兰格纳的教堂里。
According to folklore, one Hallowe'en a tailor called Sh? n ap Robert scorned the idea of Angelystor while drinking in a local pub. 民间传说,一个万圣节时,一个叫尚.爱普的裁缝在一个地方酒吧喝酒时蔑视安吉尔斯特的想法。