The quick-thinking Harwell immediately tries to distract the tiger with the inflatable killer whale they were using for the game. 哈维尔反应很快,立即用手中的那个充气虎鲸来转移白虎的注意力。
The tiger reaches out a lethal paw to claw the toy as Harwell quickly rolls to his feet, ready to flee if necessary. 白虎伸出威力巨大的爪子去抓玩具,哈维尔慌忙连滚带爬地转移到白虎脚边,准备伺机逃跑。
Altomic Energ y Research Establishment at Harwell, England; 英国哈威尔的原子能研究所;
A fence separates the Harwell's house from the public footpath. 一道篱笆将哈维尔的房子与公共人行道隔开。
Jeff Harwell participates as the prey during a daily routine with the cats, where they chase an inflatable toy being held by him. 据悉,杰夫-哈维尔像往常一样拿着充气玩具充当猎物,让老虎们追赶着玩。