At the end of the day, we also know that the Spanish regions are going to need a lot more funding than has been assumed, 'said Ms. Haworth of Credit Suisse.' 瑞信的霍沃思说,总有一天我们会知道,西班牙各地区所需要的资金比人们一直认为的要高出许多。
Now her family, along with boyfriend Nathan Haworth, are calling for more support for the young unemployed. 现在,她的家里人以及男友NathanHaworth,正在积极的呼吁社会对青年求职者给于更多的帮助。
We designed and decorated for Haworth's China west area show room and office space located at Chengdu. 我们为海沃氏位于成都的中国西部产品陈列中心以及办公场地进行装饰设计及施工。
He moved with his wife, Maria Bronte, and their six small children to Haworth in Yorkshire in1820.Soon after, Mrs. 他与他的妻子玛丽亚勃朗特在1820年和他们的六个小孩子来到了约克夏的哈沃斯。
In1820 Patrick Bront ë became incumbent of Haworth, West Riding of Yorkshire. 在1820年,帕特里克布朗蒂在约克郡西瑞丁的霍沃思成为了一名俸禄牧师。
Haworth, the place she lives in, her masculine character and Romanism fortify this inclination, which is also proved in her masterpiece, Wuthering Heights. 她所居住的环境、她的男子性格及浪漫主义思想对她的影响都间接地增强了这一倾向,而这一倾向在她唯一的小说《呼啸山庄》中也得到了证实。
Bionomics of black rice worm, Aglossa dimidiata ( Haworth) ( Lepidoptera, Pyralididae) was studied, including the living habits, development time, survival rate, life cycle, head width of each instar larva, adult longevity, and fecundity of the adult. 研究了米缟螟Aglossadimidiata各虫态的生活习性、发育历期、存活率、年生活史、幼虫头宽分龄和成虫寿命,成虫产卵期分布及产卵量;