Hayley McCrea: If the younger generation will have an easier time multitasking than the older generation? 海莉·麦克雷:年轻人是不是比老一代更擅长一心多用呢?
Today, Hayley McCrea of Portland, Oregon asks the scientists 今天,来自波特兰俄勒冈州的观众海莉·麦克雷向科学家提出疑问
Klaus tries to use Hayley to get the information hes after and makes an intriguing discovery in the process. 克劳斯试图通过海丽得到信息并在过程中得到了有趣的发现。
Whenever Hayley expressed her affection to him, he always refused her with the excuse of having the same father. 每当赫莉有所表示,法厄同总是以他们是同一个父亲为由将赫莉挡在门外。
Phaethon was born to be handsome and sexy but a bit impetuous and arrogant, while Hayley was tender and nice but did not have a beautiful face, which made her sad because she deeply loved Phaethon. 法厄同天生美丽性感,冲动自负;妹妹赫莉温柔善良,却没能得到父亲的恩赐,拥有一张太阳神那样美丽的面孔,这使得她很无奈,因为她深深爱着的是法厄同。
Hayley could not bear his indifference and made up a lie. 赫莉再也无法忍受他的绝情和冷漠,终于,一个无知的谎言在她的脑海中诞生了。
When Katia Beauchamp and Hayley Barna met as twentysomethings on their first day at Harvard Business School they had no plans to create a global beauty business. 当凯蒂娅·比彻姆(KatiaBeauchamp)和海利·巴尔纳(HayleyBarna)在进入哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)的第一天碰面时,她们还只是二十几岁的年轻人,从没想过要创办一家国际化妆品公司。
But in recent months, points out Simon hayley, of capital economics, a research firm, shares and commodities have begun moving in tandem. 但是市场研究公司?资本经济?的西蒙。海雷指出,最近几个月,股市和期货开始步调一致。
Hayley reaches the automobile thing limited company is specialized production automobile fine decorations and the label factory. 海利达汽车用品有限公司是一家专业生产汽车精美饰物及贴纸的厂家。
I was out late with hayley. 昨天我和hayley玩得太晚了。
Joey meets a hot woman ( Hayley) and starts dating her, but he recognizes her apartment and thinks he's slept with her before. 乔伊邂逅辣妹(哈莉)并开始约会她,到她的公寓后,乔伊惊觉自己曾同她交往过。
On Saturday, the second day of London Fashion Week, Hayley Morley, got up early and went to work. 上周六是伦敦时装周,海莉莫利,第二天起了个大早,前往工作地点。
The phone rang, and Hayley rushed to answer it. 电话铃响了,海莉赶紧冲过去接电话。
Hello! Are you all here for Hayley's birthday party? 你们是来参见海莉生日宴会的么?