In the sixties Heaney trained as a teacher and worked in schools in Belfast. 二十世纪六十年代,希尼在贝尔法斯特读师范并在学校当教师。
Nature, national traditions and national myths are three of Seamus Heaney's most important motifs. 自然、民族传统与民族神话是爱尔兰诗人谢默斯。希尼最重要的主题。
Heaney attempts to explain national consciousness and reconstruct traditional culture through the description of the history of Ireland and violence. 西默斯。希尼通过对爱尔兰历史和现实暴力的描写,表现了诗人挖掘民族意识和重建传统文化的努力。
Robert Lowell has called Heaney "the most important Irish poet since Yeats" A good many others have echoed the sentiment. 美国诗人罗伯特•朗威尔认为,他是继爱尔兰另一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的诗人叶芝之后爱尔兰最重要的诗人。
Year two is devoted to Brian Friel and the early works of Seamus Heaney. 第二年将专注于傅利耦研究与奚倪早期作品。
As Heaney has lived long in Northern Ireland and experienced the most critical days, his poems have been heavily imbued with a strong sense of times and pining for an identity due to his. 由于诗人生活在北爱尔兰,经历了北爱局势最为严峻的时期,其诗歌强烈地体现出一种时代色彩以及因民族、宗教问题而带来的身份寻求愿望。
Heaney's later works will be the focus of study in the third year. 第三年则专门研究奚倪中晚期作品。
Seamus Heaney for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past. 由于其作品洋溢着抒情之美,包容着深邃的伦理,揭示出日常生活和现实历史的奇迹。
Yeats, Kavanagh and Heaney are universally regarded as the three great Irish poets in the twentieth century. 叶芝、卡文纳与希尼被公认为爱尔兰二十世纪的三位大诗人。
Seamus Heaney's Poems and His Childhood 不朽的暗示来自童年&西默斯·希尼的诗与他的童年
However, Heaney is not only a notable poet, but also a translator who has acquired brilliant achievement. 然而希尼不仅是一位著名的诗人,还是一位成绩斐然的翻译家。
Heaney showed his tendency to root his work in the rural life in his hometown County Derry right at the initial stage of his poetical career. This topic began to reveal in his first five volumes before he became well-known and ran through all of his poetic works. 希尼在其创作初期便显示出其作品根植故乡德里郡乡村生活的倾向,这一主题在他最初的五部诗集中初露端倪,并贯穿其一生作品。
Seamus Heaney is the greatest Irish poet after Yeats and the fourth Nobel Prize winner from Northern Ireland. 谢默斯·希尼是自叶芝以来最重要的爱尔兰诗人,也是第四位来自北爱尔兰的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。