Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University 我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。
But that is the conclusion of a study conducted by Andrea Altieri and his colleagues at the German Cancer Research Centre, in Heidelberg. 但是位于海德堡的德国癌症研究中心的安德里亚•阿尔提耶里与同事们经过研究得出的结论。
Huang Long, 22, enjoyed his stay at Heidelberg University in Germany. 22岁的黄龙(音译)十分享受在德国海德堡大学的学习经历。
Our products are high precision, wear resistance, and fully meet the exchange standard, widely used in Heidelberg, Roland, Komori, Mitsubishi and other international famous brands printer. 公司生产的产品精度高,耐磨性强完全达到互换标准,广泛适用于海德堡,罗兰,小森,三菱等国际知名品牌印刷机。
In 1922 he received his Ph.D in sociology from the University of Heidelberg. 1922年他从德国海德堡大学获得了社会学博士学位。
We always looking for vendors to supply printing machine parts for Heidelberg, Komori and Mitsubishi offset printing machines. 我们一直在寻找供应海德堡,小森,三菱胶印机配件的供应商。
I suppose the compensation curve is made by Heidelberg engineer, is that right? 我想补偿曲线是由海德堡工程师制作的吧?对么?
Does the Heidelberg Catechism's answer focus on what you do or what you believe? 海德堡要理问答的答案,著重在于你所行的或是你所信的?
If just for going sighting, why did Goethe fall in love with the valley in Heidelberg! 如果只是去看风景,歌德何必将心丢失在海德堡的半山!
Heidelberg University is one of the most ancient and attractive universities in Germany. 海德堡大学是德国最古老的大学和最有吸引力的大学之一。
The Heidelberg researchers have shown that brain cells which are driven to permanent abnormal cell division by a defective BRAF gene slowed down growth after treatment with kinase inhibitor sorafenib. 海德堡的研究人员已通过试验证实由于BRAF基因缺陷而被导致永久性异常分裂的大脑细胞,经激酶抑制剂索拉菲尼处理后,生长速度明显降低。
Mainly for domestic and imported mechanical equipment, such as Heidelberg, Roland, Komori, Ryobi offset press, etc. 主要为国产和进口机械设备配套,如海德堡、罗兰、小森、利优比等胶印机;
There are many checks that can make the diagnosis of macular edema, including fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA), heidelberg retina tomography ( HRT), optical coherence tomography ( OCT) and so on. 有多种检查可以对黄斑水肿做出诊断,包括眼底血管荧光造影(FFA)、视网膜断层摄影仪(HRT)、光学相干断层扫描(OCT)等。
Art experts, who have already dated the painting to this time, say the Heidelberg discovery is a breakthrough and the earliest mention linking the merchant's wife to the portrait. 美术专家们还称,关于此画,海德尔堡的发现是一个突破,并且是最早提出把商人的妻子和人物肖像结合起来这一说法的。
They serve along with the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism as a standard for Reformed faith and practice, subordinate to Scripture. 此信条和比利时信仰告白、海德堡要理问答一起,是作为改革宗信仰与实践之仅次于圣经的标准。
Near Heidelberg you'll also find some of the best biking in Germany. 在德国的海德堡周边地区,你还可以看到很好的单车路径。
The discovery by a Heidelberg University library manuscript expert appears to confirm what has long been suspected. 海德堡大学一位图书馆笔迹专家发现的这一证据似乎可以证实人们长期以来的猜测。
What is the model of console of the Heidelberg press? 海德堡的控制台的模型是什么?
A small church inside the tourism area of Heidelberg. It was really very white inside. 在海德堡景点区内的一间小教堂。里头真的白得很。
He studied economics and sociology at Heidelberg in the1920s, but politics and philosophy were his lifelong passions. 他20世纪20年代在海德堡学习经济学和社会学,但是政治和哲学才是他毕生挚爱的东西。
We'll undertake a series of programmes known as Heidelberg Quality Management to streamline the existing operations. 有见及此,我们将实行连串名为海德堡质量管理的计划,去改进现有的业务运作。
The cohesion into one Heidelberg China operation mirrors Heidelberg's confidence in the solid economic fundamentals of China. 将中国市场归纳一体成为海德堡中国,正反映出海德堡集团对中国的经济基础,信心稳固。
The company has four-color Heidelberg off the machine, off monochrome machines, quarto four-color machine and all Sets of after-manufacture. 公司拥有海德堡对开四色机,对开单色机,四开四色机及全套的后道加工制作。
Cambridge and Heidelberg are twin towns. 剑桥和海德堡是姐妹城。
Advocating good scientific practice: procedure and Its Enlightenment of Heidelberg University 提倡良好科学行为:海德堡大学的做法及启示
At length the pilgrim could shake the dust off his feet at Heidelberg. 那个朝圣者终于可以在海德堡停下来了。
Those who want to bring home souvenirs for friends and family will find plenty to choose from in Heidelberg. 那些旅游者想买点纪念品送朋友和家人的话,这里有大量的纪念品供你选择。