Hernando de Soto, the Peruvian economist whose work centred on the informal economy and property rights, has much to contribute to the dialogue raging in the so-called developed world about privacy and data. 在所谓的发达世界,一场关于隐私和数据的对话正如火如荼地展开。主要研究非正式经济和财产权的秘鲁经济学家埃尔南多德索托(HernandodeSoto),可为这场对话贡献不少真知灼见。
Now, walking slowly along El prado, I wonder what Hernando would do with the money. 那时我在埃尔普拉多大街上缓步走着,心想不知赫尔南多会怎样处理这笔钱呢?
This temperature behaviour has been qualitatively interpreted by using the phenomenological theory proposed by Hernando et al. 用Hrenando等提出的双相结构唯象理论定性地解释了这种温度行为。