She might have pitied herzog's stupid eggheadedness. 她也许曾经可怜过赫索格的书呆子气。
Herzog and Simons are optimistic about the prospects for making progress against migraines. 荷佐和赛门斯对于治疗偏头痛的未来进展颇为乐观。
Our Basel stadium was the first actual example of that change in perception, says Herzog. 我们的巴塞尔体育场是上述观念转变的第一个实例,赫尔佐格表示。
There, in a lovely dusk of green, the heart of Moses Herzog hangs like a peach. 就在那儿,在可爱的绿色暮霭中,摩西·赫索格的心象一颗桃子,挂在枝头。
The design for the National Stadium was awarded to a joint proposal by the Swiss firm of Herzog and De Meuron with China Architecture Design Institute. 国家体育场的设计工作被授予了由瑞士赫尔佐格和德穆龙公司与中国建筑设计研究院联合制作的一项提案。
The stadium is designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog de Meuron collaborated with China Architecture Design Research Group. 体育场的设计由普利兹克建筑奖获得者赫尔佐格和德梅隆与中国建筑设计研究院合作完成。
Mr Herzog – the more aristocratic one, he jokes without smiling – always wanted to be an architect, while his colleague began studying biology and chemistry at the University of Basel. 开玩笑时也不露笑容的更为挑剔的赫尔佐格,一直以来都想成为一位建筑师,而他的同事却在巴塞尔大学(UniversityofBasel)开始了生物和化学的学习。
The ecological strategy of small epidermis and large space of Thomas Herzog 托马斯·赫尔佐格之小表皮大空间的生态策略
Herzog& de Meuron did this one too. 其设计者也是赫尔佐格和德梅隆公司。
Herzog likes to say that, in stadiums, "the people become the architecture". 赫尔佐格喜欢这么说:在体育场,“人就变成了建筑”。
Saul Bellow is a novelist full of philosophy and he presents a spiritual wanderings character in Herzog. 索尔·贝娄是一位长于思辩的作家,在这部作品中,贝娄塑造了经典的精神流浪汉模式的人物形象。
Herzog was thinking, how she found the strength to spoil her children. 赫索格心里思忖,她哪来精力溺爱孩子。
Herzog glares – Did you ever check your shoes whether they're made in China? 赫尔佐格瞪着眼睛说道:你检查过自己的鞋是不是中国制造的吗?
As for birds, herzog's acres seemed to have become a sanctuary. 说到鸟,赫索格的那几亩田庄,似乎已经成了鸟的乐园。
Herzog's somber face brightened. 赫索格严肃的脸上露出了笑容。
Herzog abandoned this theme with characteristic abruptness. 赫索格以他那特有的出其不意抛开了这一话题。
Saul Bellow's Cultural Construction of the Intellectual Portrait in Herzog 索尔·贝娄在《赫索格》中对知识分子形象的文化构建
Herzog ought to have been grateful. 赫佐格应该感到心满意足了。
Herzog& de Meuron have mastered a sense for place for the texture and feel of cities. 赫尔佐格-德梅隆精于对地点的感知,以及对结构和对城市的感受。
Spiritual Suffering and Moral Dilemma in Herzog 《赫索格》中的精神受难与道德困境
Herzog felt a deep, dizzy eagerness to begin. 赫索格感到一种深切而晕眩的渴望又开始了。
It was in kindergarten in Basel that Herzog met his future architectural partner, Pierre de Meuron, and in Basel that they first designed a stadium for the football team they have always supported, FC Basel. 在巴塞尔的幼儿园,赫尔佐格认识了他未来的事业伙伴皮埃尔德梅隆(pierredemeuron);在巴塞尔,他们首次设计了一座体育场为他们始终支持的巴塞尔足球俱乐部(fcbasel)。
The progress of civilization-indeed, the survival of civilization-depended on the successes of Moses. E. Herzog. 人类文明的进步甚至可以说,人类文明的延续都要看摩西·赫索格的成败了。
On the Trend of Existentialism of the Protagonist in Saul Bellow's Herzog 论索尔·贝娄《赫索格》主人公身上的萨特存在主义倾向
Some say Herzog& de Meuron should not have built it for China. 有人说,赫尔佐格和德梅隆不应该为中国建这座体育场。
Loss and Recovery of Self-identity in Saul Bellow's Herzog 索尔·贝娄的《赫索格》中主人公自我身份的丧失与寻回
Perplexity of Being& Changes of Life Consciousness of the Westerners Investigated from the Comparison of Herzog and Faust 生存的困惑&从赫索格与浮士德的对比看西方人生命意识的变迁
Seeing this slender, blond, and violent figure before him, Herzog had only nodded. 面对这位身材修长、皮肤白皙、咄咄逼人的人物,赫索格只得点点头。
But Herzog hopes their stadium will help change the country. 但赫尔佐格希望,他们设计的体育场将有助改变这个国家。
Herzog, as a modern Moses who voluntarily endures sufferings for others, chooses good in his pursuit of justice. 作为自愿为他人承受苦难的现代摩西,赫索格在寻求正义的过程中最终选择了善。