And Commerce Secretary Locke reportedly called CEO Dan Hesse to convey his "very deep concerns" about national security. 而且,据报道时任美国商务部部长的骆家辉致电斯普林特公司CEO丹•汉斯,表达了自己对国家安全的“深切担忧”。
Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal.& Herman Hesse 追求意味着有目标,但发现意味着:自由自在,放开怀抱,没有目标。赫尔曼黑塞
The Lind bakery was founded by Robert Lind Senior in Grebenhain, a small town in the State of Hesse in Germany. 琳德烘焙公司由老罗伯特琳德在德国黑森州的一个小城镇&格雷本海恩创立。
Rhenish-type wine from especially Hesse in western Germany. 产自西德海塞的莱茵类型的酒。
A Clew of Time: Straight-cut and Cross-cut of Hermann Hesse s Steppenwolf; Sonogram of caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy 时间的线团&黑塞《荒原狼》的纵剖与横切剖宫产子宫切口瘢痕妊娠声像图分析
"This wasn't really such a big event," said Michael Hesse, chief of the space weather laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. “这不是真的这么大的一个事件,”迈克尔说黑塞的首领,空间天气实验室是美国国家航空航天局戈达德太空飞行中心。
How to cope with the relationship between the education and the spiritual growth is the subject of Hermann Hesse's novels. 如何处理好教育与精神成长的关系,是黑塞教育小说一直思考的主题。
A native or inhabitant of Hesse. National Council of Indigenous Peoples 土著人民全国委员会
The Lind bakery caf é chain becomes a well known premium brand in the State of Hesse. 其面包咖啡馆成为知名的高端面包咖啡品牌。
Through the tragic, sorrowful writing style of Hesse's work, Under Wheels, we can find the loneliness, puzzlement, doubt and helplessness of the main character Hans. 透过黑塞早期作品《轮下》凄楚哀婉的笔调,我们看到了主人公汉斯在人生成长过程中的孤独、迷茫、困惑和无助,这是人生无法逾越的一个阶段。
It also emerged that the Social Democrats might form a government in Hesse that relies on Left Party support, something they had previously promised not to do. 借助左翼党(先前曾拒绝支持)的支持,社民党可能在黑森州组建新政府。
Hesse often created elaborate, handmade pieces involving obsessive repetition. 黑塞往往造成繁琐,重复的手工作品涉及迷恋。
Hermann Hesse's Works in America: A Study in Acceptance and Impact 黑塞作品在美国的接受与影响
Hesse's Novels and Their Creative Absorption of the Chinese Culture 黑塞小说对中国文化的创造性吸收
Hermann Hesse and East 黑塞与东方
Through all his life, Hermann Hesse is continuously developing and perfecting his dualism about the world and people, which is embodied in all his works to some extent. 赫尔曼·黑塞在其毕生的创作中不断发展和完善他的关于世界与人的双极性思想,这一思想在他不同时期的作品中或多或少都有所体现。
On the equivalence of Hesse theorem and Chasles theorem 论Hesse定理和Chasles定理的等价性
Hermann Hesse: A Great Wise Man in the History of Human Culture 人类文化史上伟大的智者黑塞
In the numerical calculation process of nonlinear least-square, Hesse matrix should be calculated when residual function has more nonlinear degree, but its workload is huge. 非线性最小二乘数值求解过程中,残差函数非线性程度较高时,必须计算Hesse矩阵,而其工作量往往很大的。
Hermann Hesse and Taoism 黑塞与道家
The Function of Hessian Matrix at Stationary Point Hesse矩阵在平稳点处的意义和作用
Based on Newton algorithm, using symbol calculation and trust region method for solving huge workload of Hesse matrix and local convergence of Newton algorithm, a general algorithm has been designed and implemented. 以牛顿法为基础,通过符号运算求导和信赖域方法,解决其Hesse矩阵计算工作量大和局部收敛性的问题,设计和实现了非线性最小二乘的通用算法。
Study on the Dialogism in Hermann Hesse's Novels Q& A on Sex 黑塞小说的对话性
Hesse is exactly such a writer. 黑塞正是这样的一个作家。
Hesse is a great writer with international spirit beyond the limit of nation, country and culture. 黑塞是人类文学史上的一位具有超越了民族、国籍、文化限制的国际主义精神的伟大作家。
Hesse regards domain object to be explained as the primary domain and the theory of language system as secondary system, and the introduction of the first scientific explanation of metaphor model. 海西将待解释的对象域和理论语言称为首要系统和次要系统,并首次将隐喻引入科学解释模型。
In a world of various cultures we can solve most problems in politic, history, culture and other fields, if we have the "multicultural perspective" and the concept of wholeness of a world culture advocated by Hesse. 在这个多元文化为主导的今天,我们如果能拥有黑塞所倡导的多元文化视角和世界文化一体性的观念,就可以解决世界上政治、历史、文化等等领域的诸多问题。
In the modified method, we use orthogonal decomposition so as to delete items which lead to linear dependence of gradient in active constraints. Therefore the Hessian matrix of the DQP subproblem is positive definite. 在改进算法中,我们通过正交分解删去了有效约束函数中引起梯度线性相关的项,从而保证了DQP子问题中的目标函数中的Hesse阵正定。
Second, we consider the Hesse matrix of the objective function and some techniques of the quasi-Newton method, and give a new nonmonotone line search method. 其次,通过考虑目标函数的Hesse阵和拟Newton法的一些技巧,我们提出了一种新的非单调线搜索方法。