
美 [ˈhɪgɪnsən]

网络  希金森; 金生; 海金森; 希金生; 黑金山



  1. ED wrote letters to Higginson, the literary editor of the Atlantic Monthly who had written an open letter to aspiring contributors and to whom she responded and then corresponded with all her life.
  2. And has continued to uphold the vision of its founder, Henry Lee Higginson, for more than a century.
  3. Miss higginson, have you ever seen the movie zorro?
  4. Where Dickinson withdrew into the self, Higginson, a passionate abolitionist, tried to realise his ideals, but both were paradoxical individuals.
  5. Applying the software of MATLAB, we compute and analyze the minimum film thickness of the involute super geared transmission based on the formula of Dowson Higginson, and obtain the relations between the minimum film thickness and the transmission ratios, the meshing positions and the modulus.
  6. The authors derived this formula on the basis of Dowson-Higginson equation.
  7. On the basis of the elastic-hydrodynamic lubrication theory proposed by the English engineers Dawson and Higginson the author has described and made a numerical analysis of the scoring of the main gear reduction unit second gear, Proposals aimed at alleviating scoring are also given.