And in the early20th Century there was an upswing of interest as contemporary analogies were drawn with a British hero fighting invaders from Germany, Prof Higham argues. 而在20世纪早期,随着同时代相关联的人被与一个与来自德国的入侵者战斗的英国英雄扯上关系,公众兴趣也开始上升,海厄姆教授说道。
John higham, of Johns Hopkins university, probably the leading historian of American immigration, has argued that immigrants strengthened American capitalism during its rocky periods at the turn of the twentieth century, and that they add crucial flexibility today. 约翰斯霍普金斯大学的约翰海厄姆,可能算是研究美国移民问题最具权威的历史学家,他认为,在20世纪之交的困难时期,移民曾壮大了美国的资本主义,而且今天他们又极大地增强了其韧性。