Hildebrand is not the only western policy maker mulling these concepts. 希尔德布兰德并非是考虑这些举措的唯一西方政策制定者。
A size restriction would of course be a major intervention in an institution's corporate strategy, Hildebrand, the central bank's current vice-chairman, observed with masterful understatement. 现任瑞士央行副行长的希尔德布兰德强硬地表示:限制规模当然是对金融机构企业战略的重大干预。
Most of this profit has historically gone to investment bankers, notes Philipp Hildebrand, chairman of the Swiss National Bank. 这种利润的绝大部分历来去到投资银行家手中,瑞士国家银行董事长菲利普·希尔德布兰德注释。
Philipp Hildebrand, vice-chairman of the Swiss National Bank, said: "there can be no more taboos, given our experiences of the last two years." 瑞士央行副行长菲利普希尔德布兰德(philipphildebrand)表示:“鉴于我们过去两年的经历,在这方面不会再有任何禁区。”
The central bank envisaged direct and indirect measures to limit [ large banks '] size, said Mr Hildebrand. 瑞士央行考虑了一些限制(大型银行)规模的直接和间接措施,希尔德布兰德表示。
[ but] in the case of the large international banks, the empirical evidence would seem to suggest that these institutions have long exceeded the size needed to make full use of these advantages, Mr Hildebrand said as the central bank unveiled its stability report. 规模带来优势但就大型跨国银行而言,经验似乎表明,这些机构的规模早就超越了充分利用这些优势所需的水平,希尔德布兰德在瑞士央行发布一份稳定性报告时表示。
The company Hildebrand and wolfmueller made the first two-wheel motorized vehicle available to the general public. 海得布兰德和沃夫穆勒公司制造出首辆给一般大众用的两轮动力车辆。
In the end, Mr Hildebrand addressed the parliamentary committee as scheduled – but no longer as SNB chairman. 最终,希尔德布兰德如期向议会委员会作了汇报&但不再是以瑞士央行行长的身份。
expressed its full confidence in Mr Hildebrand, the government said. 表达了对希尔德布兰德先生的充分信心,政府表示。
Such an event would have allowed Mr Hildebrand to survive accusations of insider trading, only to face different legal embarrassments. 在这种情况下,希尔德布兰德将不至于因为内幕交易的指控而被迫下台,但会面临不同的法律尴尬。
Becket was at least as intemperate as Hildebrand, but he not only got his halo but did so in the fastest time on record. 贝克特主教至少也和希尔得布兰德一样放纵无度,然而他不但得到了光环,而且是以有史记载以来最快的速度得到的。
As Mr Hildebrand asked rhetorically yesterday: "can you live a dollar lifestyle, or a partly dollar lifestyle, like ours, and still be a central bank governor?" 正如希尔德布兰德昨日所说的反问句那样:“你能既像我们这样拥有美元(或部分美元)生活方式,又能担任央行行长吗?”
Now, to be fair to Hildebrand, I should stress that he only presented size controls as a policy of last resort. 目前,对于希尔德布兰德来说,公平地讲,我应该强调,他只是把控制规模作为政策措施的最后一着提了出来。
Mr Hildebrand will also step down from his other international regulatory jobs such as the Deputy chairmanship of the financial stability board. 希尔德布兰德还将辞去他担任的其它国际监管职务,如金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)副主席。
What Hildebrand really wants to see is a credible international framework to handle big bank failures in a way that does not blow up the financial system. 希尔德布兰德真正希望看到的,是一种可以信赖的国际框架,它能够以一种不会冲击金融体系的方式处理大银行破产问题。
The pitch got lower, Hildebrand believes, because there are more whales now than several decades ago. 希尔德兰认为,音调变低是因为现在蓝鲸数量比几十年前多。
Mr Hildebrand said last week that the currency transaction stemmed from the sale of a family ski chalet in early 2011. 希尔德布兰德上周称,这笔外汇交易的起因是,他在2011年初时卖掉了自家的一栋滑雪小屋。
As a policymaker, Mr Hildebrand has been courageous. 作为政策制定者,希尔德布兰德是富有勇气的。
Quite why Hildebrand decided on this move is not something he has discussed at length in public; it probably reflected personal, as much as strategic, reasons. 希尔德布兰德为何做出这样的决定,个中原因他不曾在公开场合详细谈论;可能既有个人方面的原因,也有战略方面的考虑。
Results computed from Scatchard-Hildebrand model, Guggenheim quasi-lattice model, Wilson model and NRTL model are fairly approximate to those obtained from experimental data treatment and the values of thermodynamic equilibrium constant determined from these four models coincide with each other. 由Scatchard-Hildebrand模型、Guggenheim似晶格模型、Wilson模型和NRTL模型计算得出的活度系数值与实验值符合较好,从这四种模型测得的革取平衡常数值也互相符合一致。
On the basis of a thermodynamic model of liquid mixtures, the expression of excess Gibbs free energy derived for non-electrolyte solutions is more strict than those of Scatchard-Hildebrand theory of regular solutions. 基于液体混合的热力学模型,为非电解质溶液导得了1个比Scatchard-Hilde-brand正规溶液理论更加严格的过量Gibbs自由能表示式。
A solubility parameter method for solvent selection was set up by Scatchard-Hildebrand theory. 本文通过正规溶液理论进行分析得到了运用溶解度参数初步选择溶剂的方法,并且推导出达到规定的选择性的溶剂的溶解度参数范围。
The relationships between solubility of fatty acid methyl esters and their molecule structures were discussed. 本文通过基团贡献等多种方法对单个脂肪酸甲酯和混合脂肪酸甲酯的Hildebrand溶解度参数和Hansen溶解度参数进行了计算,讨论了脂肪酸甲酯分子结构与其溶解度参数的变化关系。
the Italian pope who fought to establish the supremacy of the pope over the Roman Catholic Church and the supremacy of the church over the state (1020-1085)