Hinduism is the official religion of the country. 印度教是这个国家的官方宗教。
Small segments of the population practise Hinduism or animism. 人口中还有一小部分信仰印度教和万物教。
Samsara is the core belief of Hinduism. 轮回是印度教的核心信仰。
Heaven and hell aren't ideas I've heard discussed very much in Hinduism. 我不常听印度教讨论天堂地狱的观念。
The exercises of yoga were incorporated into three of the Indian religions: Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. 瑜伽运动整合到印度三大宗教中:印度教、那教以及佛教。
Kali is a destructive and creative aspect of God as the Divine Mother in Hinduism. 卡莉是神毁灭性和创造性的面貌,是印度教的神圣母亲。
A person who adheres to Hinduism. 追随和拥护印度教的人。
Hinduism takes many forms from serene private prayer to cacophonous public festival. 印度教从平静的个人祷告到粗腔横调的公共节日都采用了许多形式。
Movement within Buddhism combining elements of Hinduism and paganism. 结合印度教和异教的基础的佛教内部的运动。
As a religion, Hinduism is a composite of diverse doctrines, cults, and ways of life. 作为一种宗教,印度教是不同的教条、祭礼和生活方式的综合体。
There are hundreds of temples dedicated to the many gods of hinduism. 那里有数以百计的寺庙,供奉印度教的许多神。
Because of the work of these persons, people in the West came have less and less excuse for regarding Hinduism and Buddhism as "heathen superstition". 因为这些人的工作,西方的人们开始有越来越少的理由认为印度教和佛教是“异教野蛮人的迷信”。
Factually, Indian caste system is a system of value growing from the cleaning conceptions of Hinduism. 从根本上说,种姓制度是一种根植于印度教洁净观念的价值体系。
The Puranas unfolds the principles of Hinduism in a very simple way. 宇宙古史以非常简单的方式展开了印度教的原理。
In such circumstances, the absence of a central religious authority in Hinduism was a source of strength. 在这样一种环境下,印度教主要宗教权威的缺乏是一种力量的来源。
Inevitably, many Catholics mix up the little they know about Buddhism with their perceptions about Hinduism. 无可避免地,许多天主教徒将他们所知的佛教皮毛与他们对印度教的认知混淆起来。
The religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism. 正统印度教的宗教的和社会的制度。
In Hinduism he is praised as the binomial Mitra-Varuna. 在印度教,他被认为是二分性的密特拉&伐楼拿而赞扬。
In Hinduism, nature and all of God's creations are manifestations of Him. 在印度教,大自然和所有神的创造物都是他()显现。
Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. 梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、教和耆那教的祭礼语言。
In Hinduism, we are all illuminated under the light of god. 在印度教,我们都是被神的光明所照亮。
Samkhya is widely regarded to be the oldest of the orthodox philosophical systems in Hinduism. 数论派是广泛地被认为是印度教最古老的传统哲学体系。
Consequently this school s most valuable contribution to Hinduism was its formulation of the rules of Vedic interpretation. 因此,这个学派对印度教最重大的贡献就是简洁地解释了吠陀规则。
There is certainly better evidence for Hinduism being the oldest extant religion than for any other. 当然印度教是相较于其他宗教现存的最古老的宗教是有更好的证据的。
India is the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism, and Asia is a treasury of Hindus and Buddhist thoughts and cultures. 印度是印度教与佛教的发祥地,整个亚洲是印度教与佛教思想和文化的宝库。
The followers of Mahatma Gandhi a person who adheres to Hinduism. 圣雄甘地的拥护者.追随和拥护印度教的人。
Yeah, especially Buddhism and Hinduism, I come out of Hinduism. 对,特别是佛教和印度教,我研究过印度教。
Traditional, other-worldly religions, such as hinduism. 传统的、修来世的宗教,如印度教。
Later sacred texts of Hinduism dealing with broad philosophical questions. 印度教处理广义哲学问题的后来的圣书。
These texts sum up the early religious knowledge of Hinduism and contain the practical details of the various sacrifices and rites. 这些经文概括了早期印度教的知识,记载了各种祭祀和礼仪的实际情况。