Simon says the stake limits are too low to attract a regular flow of Chinese high-rollers. 西蒙表示,Hippodrome的赌注上限太低,以至于难以吸引稳定的中国豪赌客客流。
Western Anatolian dancers perform at the Hippodrome. 古罗马跑马场里来自安纳托利亚高原西部的舞者。
Then suddenly they vanished behind a great clump of trees growing in the middle of the Hippodrome. 然后他们突然被跑马场中间的一大片树丛遮挡住了。
In the Greek fashion the city had its stadium, gymnasium, hippodrome, and theatre, as well as its fine temples and the royal palace. This evening, he has a game at the school gym. 城里还有希腊风格的体育馆、体操馆、椭圆形露天赛马今天晚上,他在学校体育馆有一场比赛。
To the Hippodrome of London, Maestro, take it away! 回到了伦敦的舞厅大师,继续演奏!
She cried amid a redoubled uproar of laughter and bravoes, which little by little overspread the whole Hippodrome. 她喊道,四边的喧闹声、笑声、喝彩声越来越高,渐渐响遍了跑马场。
The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade. 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的马车竞技场中偷出来的。
So the hippodrome is the circus in Latin. 所以赛马场就是拉丁语中的马戏表演场。
The carriage-way round the circular railing presented such a magnificent hippodrome. 环绕圆形栏杆的车道象座富丽堂皇的竞技场。