AMSA said there are now six vessels relocating to the new search area including HMAS Success and five Chinese ships. 澳大利亚海事安全局表示,包括HMASSuccess和五艘中国舰艇在内的六艘舰艇正赶往新的搜索区域。
The Australian frigate, HMAS Warramunga, participated in the first live-firing exercise of its kind with the Chinese navy off the Shandong Peninsular in the Yellow Sea in north-eastern China. 澳大利亚派出护卫舰瓦拉蒙加号参加了这次在山东半岛外黄海举行的包括实弹射击在内的联合军演。
Math can be difficult, and for those with high levels of mathematics-anxiety ( HMAs), math is associated with tension, apprehension and fear, the authors said in their paper titled, When Math Hurts. 研究员在名为《数学伤害》的研究报告中说:数学题可能很难解答,对那些患有高度数学焦虑感的人们来说,数学可以使人感到紧张、忧虑和恐惧。
HMAS Yarra was given the responsibility of escorting a small convoy to Australia, but on4 March was intercepted by a force of three Japanese cruisers and two destroyers. HMAS雅拿号负责护送一支护航队到澳大利亚,但在3月4日被三艘日军巡洋舰和二艘驱逐舰阻拦。
The Chinese naval frigate Luoyang, and the visiting Australian HMAS Warramunga, successfully completed a live-fire exercise in the waters of China's Yellow Sea on Sept.23. 中国海军护卫舰“洛阳号”与来华访问的澳大利亚海军“瓦拉蒙加”号护卫舰23日在中国黄海某海域举行联合军事演练。
The wreckage of HMAS Sydney, sunk off the West Australian coast in1941, has at last been found. 于1941年沉没于澳大利亚西海岸,现在它的残骸终于被找到了。
The Hunt for HMAS Sydney tells the incredible story of a ship lost in the middle of nowhere and that of the dedicated search team who always had a strong belief they would find it. 本片讲述了这艘消失在偏僻的大洋中的军舰以及一直坚信能找到它的搜索队的故事。
The ship HMAS Swan and the hospital ship Manundra were among the other ships that were severely damaged. 而在其他船中HMAS天鹅号和医疗船曼南德拉号严重损伤的。
The type specimens are deposited in HMAS. 模式标本存放在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。
Type specimen ( dried culture) is deposited in HMAS, Beijing. multisporum的区别进行了讨论。模式标本(干培养物)保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS),活培养物保存在贵阳医学院。