Miss Hoare called out names and marked them off. 霍尔小姐点名后把它们一一划掉。
Two top police officers have quit their jobs and Sean Hoare, a former staff member who exposed phone hacking, has been found dead. 两名警方高级官员已引咎辞职。揭发该电话窃听事件的前雇员肖恩霍尔被发现意外死亡。
The Guardian reported that Hoare had recently injured his nose and his foot in an accident. 卫报称SeanHoare最近似乎不小心弄伤了他的鼻子和脚。
Hoare you going to pay the mortgage? 你想靠银行贷款吗?
But Marko Hoare takes a different view. 然而,马可。霍尔对此有不同的看法。
It makes full use of the advantages, including that algebraic semantics describes the abstract data types, Hoare logic describes the software functions and UNYFY logic describes the properties of parallel programs. 其目的在于充分发挥并集成代数语义描述抽象数据类型、Hoars逻辑描述功能、UNITY逻辑描述并行程序性质的优点。
Proof of Correctness of C~ (++) Program by HOARE Logic 用HOARE逻辑证明C~(++)程序的正确性
Matching Description of Reusable Components of Software Based on Hoare Logic 一种Hoare逻辑软件复用部件的匹配描述
The correctness of refinement can be verified by the tool XYZ/ VERI based on Hoare logic ruls and verifying methods of temporal logic. 一致性的验证可以借助于基于Hoare逻辑规则的验证工具XYZ/VERI以及XYZ/E作为时序逻辑语言所具有的对一些程序性质的证明方法。
The correctness and reliability of the operational semantics model were proved by Hoare logic and denotational semantics. 通过Hoare逻辑和基本指称语义对本文所定义的操作语义模型的正确性和可靠性进行了证明。
In the field of program verification, Hoare axiomatic method and the Dijkstra weakest pre-verb is the most outstanding of these two methods is their point system, the definition of the language system, and then find their way to the semantics of the language system. 在程序验证领域,Hoare公理方法与Dijkstra最弱前置谓词方法是最为杰出的,这两个方法系统的基点是各自定义的语言系统,然后根据各自的方法寻求语言系统的语义。
Based on Hoare-logic assembly level verification framework, this paper proposed a verification framework for certifying multithreaded programs with dynamic thread creation and termination. 本文的工作使用基于携带证明的代码技术,使用Hoare逻辑的汇编语言级形式化程序验证方法(CAP),提出了一种验证带有线程动态创建和退出的多线程程序的验证框架。