Later political theorists, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Nietzsche would even develop a word for Hobbesian man. 稍后时代的政治理论家,如卢梭,尼采,给霍布斯笔下这样的公民取了个名字。
The Hobbesian state will always exist in a world of hostile other states, unregulated by some kind of higher law. 即国家总是存在于,一个充满敌意的世界里,而且总是被更高的法则约束着。
The Hobbesian state was intended to secure the conditions of life, even a highly civilized and cultivated life but one calculated in terms of self-interest and risk avoidance. 霍布斯眼中的国家旨在,保护人民的生命财产安全,即使是那些虽开化有教养却是为一己私利的人,也应当受到国家的保护。
But the Hobbesian sovereign, unlike umpires, are not just the enforcers of the rules or the interpreters of the rules, the sovereign is also the creator, the shaper and maker of the rules. 但他的这一君权理论,与足球裁判的不同之处在于,他言下的君主,不仅是既定规则的执行者,还是这些规则的直接制定者。
It doesn't make sense from a purely Hobbesian point of view that encourages us to think like rational actors interested mainly in safety and beating the odds. 对于一个霍布斯式的公民而言,让我们像理性行为者一样,只对维护社会安全和挑战困难有兴趣,那可是不可思议的。
And yet, in many ways, this Hobbesian sovereign aims to allow for ample room for individual liberty And he even sets some limits on the legitimate use of sovereign power. 话虽如此,霍布斯眼中的君权,也还是为个人自由留下了足够的空间,他甚至对君主的合法权力,设定了一些限制。
A Hobbesian state, paradoxically, still requires from its citizens, men and women prepared to fight to risk everything in the defense of their way of life. 如此一来,矛盾便凸显出来了,即霍布斯理想中的国家,也照样要求他的人民时刻准备牺牲一切,来维护他们的生活方式。
Will not even a Hobbesian society again? require fire departments? 在霍布斯理想的社会里,就不需要消防部门吗?
Sino-American relationship should be regarded as the construction of Lockean culture. Presently, some characteristics of Hobbesian culture are only a harbinger of Lockean culture. 中关关系应被视为洛克文化的建构,目前所呈现出的某些霍布斯文化的特征并不占主导地位。
Is it because some people have a kind of built in sense of thumos, that wonderful Platonic term, pride, courage, love of risk that no society,? not even a Hobbesian one, can do without? 是因为有一种,内在的激情,是柏拉图的术语,傲骄,勇敢,爱冒险,没有一个社会,甚至霍布斯的社会能没有这些?
If states can expand their borders by invading neighbours we are back to a Hobbesian world of the early 20th century. 如果国家能够依靠侵略邻国扩大自己的疆土,我们就倒退到20世纪早期霍布斯式的世界了。
We cannot get along in a world filled with deceit and defection; such a world becomes a Hobbesian war of all against all, nasty and brutal. 在一个充满欺诈和背叛的社会中,我们无法生存,这样的世界成了霍布森式的“每个人与每个人为敌”的战争,险恶而野蛮。
The Hobbesian citizen is not likely to be a risk taker, like a George Washington or an Andrew Carnegie. 可以这样说,霍布斯笔下的公民是不可能做冒险家的,就像乔治·华盛顿和安德鲁·卡内基一样。
But the Hobbesian point, the paradox being that the Hobbesian bourgeois cannot entirely dispense with the barbarian, even in its own midst. 这就是霍布斯的悖论,他的资产阶级不可能完全免于野蛮人的挑战,甚至这挑战就来自于资产阶级的内部。
Yet Mr Murdoch's prescription for the media landscape sacrificing public service broadcasting to a Hobbesian struggle for market supremacy that he supposes he would ultimately win may have the opposite effect. 然而,小默多克为媒体业前景开出的药方牺牲公共广播服务,为市场霸主地位展开霍布斯式的争斗可能会产生反作用。他以为自己最终能赢得这场战斗。
Let me talk for a while about some of the formal features of Hobbes'sovereign power, of the Hobbesian state. 接下来我要说说,霍布斯关于君主权力和他理想下的国家',应当具有的一些特征。
On Hobbesian Natural Law and International Conflict Theory 霍布斯的自然法与国际冲突理论述评
Hobbesian problem of order "is a core problem in social life. This proposition links to the problem that is" why the social order is possible? 霍布斯的秩序问题是社会生活中的核心问题,它指涉着社会秩序何以可能这一问题。
According to his own times, he structured the theory of sympathy, which connected 'Sympathy' to 'Self-interest', to express human nature and which also provided a new train of thought for solving' Hobbesian Problem 'and achieving human happiness. 亚当·斯密依托自身的时代,构建起社会同情理论,以同情整合自利,彰显人的自然社会性,为消解霍布斯问题、实现人的幸福提出了新的思路。
The Role and Action of Government in Social Game: An Analysis Based on Hobbesian and Lockean Models 政府在社会博弈中的角色与作用&一个基于霍布斯、洛克理论的模型分析