Because emphysema can affect individual patients 'lungs differently, in the future, patients may end up qualifying for both coils and valves,' to treat different types of abnormalities and breathing problems, 'Dr. Hogarth says. 因为肺气肿对每个患者的肺部影响会因人而异,所以患者在未来有可能既可以进行线圈植入,又可以接受阀门疗法。贺加斯博士说:这么做是为了治疗不同类型的病症和呼吸问题。
Hogarth said a computer model shows oil has already entered the loop current, while a second shows the oil is3 miles from it& still dangerously close. Hogarth说一个计算机模型显示石油已经进入了环路水流洋流,而另一个模型显示石油距洋流还有3英里&距离仍危险地接近。
In a famous eighteenth century engraving by William Hogarth, he challenged the viewer to find all the perspective mistakes. 拿18世纪雕刻家威廉·贺加斯的一个著名雕版图来挑战观众找出全部的透视错误。
Just as the famous British art theoretician, Willoiam Hogarth, said," Because of their immensity, by all means, they will bring to our attention and make us appreciate from the heart. " 这样,就如英国艺术理论家荷迦兹所说的,“由于它们的巨大,无论如何会引起我们的注意,激起我们的赞美。”
1697 William Hogarth, English painter and engraver, was born in London, the son of a teacher. 英国画家、雕刻家威廉·贺加斯出生于伦敦的一个教师家庭。
He has written a survey of British art from Hogarth to the pre-raphaelites. 他写了一本从贺加斯到拉斐尔前派画家的英国美术概况。
Their Hogarth Press had operated from the basement room in Tavistock Square. 他们的霍加斯出版社经营从地下室房间到塔维斯托克广场。
In1917 he set up a small hand press at Hogarth House, and worked as its director until his death. 1917年,他在霍加斯成立了一个小型出版社,并担任其董事,直到他去世。
The museum's most valuable possessionsare two series of pictures by William hogarth, an18th century painter. 这博物馆最贵重的藏品是18世纪画家威廉贺加斯画的两组画。
You think of Hogarth as a naturalistic artist drawing the world as he thought it really was. 你把贺加斯看作是自然主义艺术家,是按他所认为的本来面目去描绘世界。
Einhorn and Hogarth ( 1986) found that in the face of loss, ambiguity aversion will appear reversed. Einhorn和Hogarth(1986)发现在面临损失时,模糊厌恶会出现反转。