In the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Hermes conducts the Kore safely back to Demeter. 在《荷马史诗》中有关得墨忒耳的部分,赫密士引导科尔安全地返回得墨忒耳身边。
She is not mentioned in the Iliad or Odyssey though magic was rife in Homeric times. 她是中没有提到或伊利亚特奥德赛虽然充满神奇的是在荷马时代。
Tempted by love, a symbol of the new epoch, Othello, a Homeric hero, a god of war, metaphorically participates in an initiation into the emerging new civilization, not without agony and suffering. “战神”奥瑟罗是“荷马式英雄”的精神后代,在剧中经历的就是这么一个成人仪式。
In the Homeric poems we find most of the Greek tribes already united into small nations, within which, however, gentes, phratries, and tribes retained their full independence. 在荷马的诗中,我们可以看到希腊的各部落大多数已联合成为一些小民族;在这种小民族内部,氏族、胞族和部落仍然完全保持着它们的独立性。
The Homeric heroes are ignorant and passionate men full of blind anger and desire for retribution. 荷马英雄,尽是无知且激情的男性,满腔的盲目、忿怒与渴望报仇。
In the Homeric poems these Greek tribes speak one common language. 在荷马的史诗里,这些希腊部落操一种共同的语言。
Plato's critique of Homeric poetry in the Republic is two-fold; it is both theological and political. 柏拉图在《理想国》中,批评荷马诗学有两层含意;,同时是有关神学与政治学。
And the Homeric epics were of course for the Greeks what the Bible was for us. 而荷马史诗之于希腊人,就如同圣经之于我们一般。
And his proposals for the reform of poetry, especially Homeric poetry, represent clearlya radical departure from Greek educational practices and beliefs. 而他建议改革诗学,尤其是荷马诗学,清楚地代表着彻底地背离,希腊教育实作与信念。
We find the upper stage of barbarism at its highest in the Homeric poems, particularly in the Iliad. 野蛮时代高级阶段的全盛时期,我们在荷马的诗中,特别是在《伊利亚特》中可以看到。
The new Socratic citizen let's call him that for a moment the new Socratic citizen may have some features in common with the older Homeric warrior. 新型的苏格拉底式公民,姑且这么称呼,这种新型的苏格拉底式公民,可能有些特征还是和旧时的荷马战士很像。
Political Roles of the Homeric Agora 荷马史诗中的人民大会及其政治作用
This fact shows us that the monarchic and bureaucratic system of the Mycenaean world had collapsed in the Homeric age, the kingship began to decline and the aristocracy began to rise. 它们表明,迈锡尼时代的君主和官僚制度到荷马时代已经崩溃,并不强大的王权开始衰落、贵族政治逐渐兴起,古典时代的希腊城邦已经萌芽。
Homeric Society and the Rise of the State in Ancient Greece 试论荷马社会的性质与早期希腊国家的形成
Chinese Characters? Assembly Modeling. Assembly Simulation. Much attention was paid to the roles of the assembly in the discussion of the characters of the Homeric political system. 在关于荷马时代政治制度特点的争论中,人民大会的作用备受关注。
On Homeric Humanist Ideals and their Limitations 荷马的人道主义理想及其局限性
Kings, the council and the assembly formed the backbone of the Homeric political system. 国王、长老会和人民大会构成了荷马时代政治制度的基本框架。
Homeric epics ( The Iliad and The Odyssey) are the source of Western literature, while Three Kingdoms is the first full-length historical novel of China. 荷马史诗(《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》)是欧洲文学的源头,《三国演义》是中国第一部长篇章回体小说。
The Homeric athletic, whether it is from the setting of the game of competition event, rules, or game prizes, laid the foundation for the origin and development of the ancient Olympic Games. 荷马时代的体育竞技,无论是从比赛的项目、规则,还是比赛的奖品设置等方面,都为古奥运会的兴起和发展奠定了基础。
The article also discusses the still in debate Homeric questions. 论文还讨论了迄今仍有争议的荷马问题。
In his views, Homeric art is a paradigm. 在他看来,荷马式的艺术才是典范。
This thesis is an attempt to explore a few fragments of Iliad book alpha as a narrative beginning, to start laying-out anger, this all time essential emotion of human being, interpreting its meaning of our life, a trial to reveal some Homeric secrets. 本文试图从《伊利亚特》卷一里的一些片断来做一个开端论述,从愤怒这种人性中必须时刻面对的感情状态开始铺陈,稍微阐释其中的人生意义,尝试揭露一些荷马的秘密。
Homeric epic which includes Iliad and Odyssey is the source of European literature. 荷马史诗是欧洲文学的源头,它包括《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。
The competitive sports of ancient Greece have been quite prosperous in Homeric. 古希腊的体育竞技在荷马时代已经相当兴盛。