In 1823 Honduras became a part of the United Provinces of Central America. 1823年,洪都拉斯成为了中美洲联邦的一部分。
I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras. 我是洪都拉斯《论坛报》驻华盛顿的记者。
Their 4-1 win in Honduras was a particularly lively affair. 他们在洪都拉斯以4比1获胜的那场比赛尤其激动人心。
Countries in the neighborhood ─ Panama, Nicaragua, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador ─ are among the 23 nations that still recognize Taiwan. 巴拿马、尼加拉瓜、伯利兹、洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多都位于这一带,它们是目前仍承认台湾的23个国家中的一部分。
Back then, Guatemala, which borders Honduras, was his country of choice for escaping. 当时,与洪都拉斯接壤的危地马拉成为他逃亡的首选国家。
Sunday's France v Honduras game clinched Brazil 2014's fashion status. 周日法国对抗洪都拉斯的比赛奠定了2014巴西世界的时尚地位。
The most recent speculation came from Roberto Funes, the Vice Minister of Defense of Honduras. 而最新的一种猜测则来自于洪都拉斯国防部副部长罗伯托·富内斯(RobertoFunes)。
That said, Olson told me by email, I have no specific information that he is in Honduras. 话虽如此,但奥尔逊还是通过邮件告知,我并没有得到具体消息说他在洪都拉斯。
International Living Magazine rated the three Latin American countries the top destinations in its Retirement Index 2012, followed by Malaysia, Colombia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Spain, Thailand and Honduras. 《国际生活杂志》将这三个拉丁美洲国家评为2012退休指数最高的地方,紧随其后的是马来西亚、哥伦比亚、新西兰、尼加拉瓜、西班牙、泰国和洪都拉斯。
Honduras, Thailand, Panama, Nicaragua and Mexico offer similar lifestyles for comparable prices, according to the magazine. 据该杂志称,在洪都拉斯、泰国、巴拿马、尼加拉瓜和墨西哥也能以差不多的价格过上类似的舒适生活。
Only 23 governments have diplomatic ties with Taiwan, mostly small nations such as the Solomon Islands and Honduras. 全世界只有23个国家与台湾建交,其中大多是像所罗门群岛和洪都拉斯这样的小国。
Some of domestic exports India, Italy, Honduras and other countries and regions. 部分产品出口印度、意大利、洪都拉斯等国家和地区。
Clinton's Brazil meetings were otherwise dominated by hemispheric issues including aid to earthquake-stricken Chile and Haiti and the aftermath of last year's coup in Honduras. 克林顿的巴西会谈原本应该是以美洲问题为中心的,其中包括援助遭到地震重创的智利和海地,以及解决去年发生政变的洪都拉斯的善后问题。
A customs union has long been talked of; in the "northern triangle" of honduras, Guatemala and El salvador, progress is being made on this. 关税同盟的事已经讨论了很久了;由洪都拉斯、地马拉和萨尔瓦多组成的“北方三角”都已经从这一进程中获利了。
Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala reported deaths and destruction of crops and property. 墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、洪都拉斯和危地马拉都报道了人口死亡以及作物和财产被毁的消息。
The interim government of Honduras has ordered all Argentine diplomats to leave the country within three days. 洪都拉斯临时政府下令所有阿根廷外交人员在三天之内离开这个国家。
"HIV/ AIDS is an issue in particular countries, such as countries in the Caribbean and in Honduras, as well as some regions of Brazil," he says. “艾滋病病毒/艾滋病是个别国家的问题,如加勒比地区国家和洪都拉斯,以及巴西的某些地区。”他说。
Manuel Zelaya, Honduras's ousted president, urged Mr Obama to do more to restore him to power. 洪都拉斯被罢黜的总统梅内尔·塞拉亚敦促奥巴马采取更多的行动帮助他复位。
If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala; 买菜和水果钱会跑去墨西哥、洪都拉斯和危地马拉;
The deposed president of Honduras Manuel Zelaya has said the interim government that ousted him must face legal sanctions. 洪都拉斯被驱逐总统塞拉亚称,推翻他的临时政府必须面临法律制裁。
At the same time, the quality of the Honduras rosin and turpentine were improved by the authors. 同时,对质量较差的洪都拉斯松香和松节油产品作了改进,达到中国同类产品的特级标准。
The government of Honduras refused to ratify the convention. 洪都拉斯政府拒不批准该约。
The clearest links come from small countries such as Honduras and Nicaragua, where the number and spread of the dengue mosquito population has been well correlated with climate. 最清晰的联系来自诸如洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜这样的小国,在那里,登革热蚊子种群的数量和传播与气候有很好的关联。
UNHCR sends more aid to Honduras than any other UN agency. 联合国难民署给洪都拉斯的救援比其他任何联合国机构都要多。
Taylor first realized the magnitude of the problem during a visit to assist abused women in Honduras in2003. 泰勒首次意识到这个问题的重要性是在她2003年去洪都拉斯援助受虐妇女的时候。
Children from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela were included in the trial. 来自阿根廷、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、多米尼加共和国、洪都拉斯、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、巴拿马和委内瑞拉的儿童参与了该试验。
The list of places where the court says it is carrying out preliminary investigations is broad enough: Afghanistan, Colombia, Georgia, Gaza, Honduras and the Korean Peninsula, as well as Guinea and Nigeria. 该法庭声称在它正在许多国家中进行初步调查,这一名单的分布足够广阔:阿富汗、哥伦比亚、格鲁吉亚、加沙、洪都拉斯和朝鲜半岛,还有几内亚和尼日利亚。
The US has halted all non-humanitarian aid to Honduras in the wake of the coup there in June. 作为六月份洪都拉斯内部变动的结果,美国停止对洪都拉斯一切非人道主义援助。
And in Central America we ship to Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, and we are talking to two organizations in El Salvador. 并且,在中美洲,我们运到巴拿马,哥斯达黎加,洪都拉斯,另外,我们现在正在和萨尔瓦多的两个组织沟通。