They do everything according to Hoyle. 他们一切都按照规定办理。
The play finally jerks its disjointed and bitty way to an arbitrary conclusion ( Martin Hoyle) 这个剧目最后突然把支离破碎的内容拉到一起得出一个武断的结论(马丁霍伊尔)
"In the late1940s Fred Hoyle was on a radio show to talk about the Steady State Model, and referred to the expanding universe model as" the big bang idea. 二十世纪四十年代末,弗雷德·霍伊尔在一个广播节目上讲解稳恒态模型时,提及宇宙扩张模型而产生了“大爆炸的想法”。
After Edmond Hoyle ( 1672?-1769), British writer on games. 源自爱德蒙霍伊尔(1672?-1769年),英国游戏作家。
Hoyle& Lyttleton ( 1939) considered the accretion of the non-temperature statice gas on moving star. Hoyle,Lyttleton(1939年)给出恒定速度运动的恒星对忽略温度的静态气体云的吸积公式。
Some properties of polyphenol oxidase from cuttlefish ( Sepia esculenta Hoyle) ink 乌贼墨多酚氧化酶的部分特性